SD card interface
I'm building an SD card interface for the propellar and am wondering if someone can explain to me which pins need to have pull up resostors? I was a little confused after looking at the diagram in the SD driver in the object exchange which had 6 pull up resistors
one on each propellar pin (data out, clock, Data In, CS) and then pull ups on Irq(dat1) and p9(dat2). I cant find any reference to "p9" I dont see the pin on the sd card socket i'm using from sparkfun. Are all of these pull ups actually necesary? other diagrams I have looked at only have pull ups on DI and DO.
one on each propellar pin (data out, clock, Data In, CS) and then pull ups on Irq(dat1) and p9(dat2). I cant find any reference to "p9" I dont see the pin on the sd card socket i'm using from sparkfun. Are all of these pull ups actually necesary? other diagrams I have looked at only have pull ups on DI and DO.
I'm using the same breakout board as you are, and I had success with the diagram from this thread.
Post Edited (Oldbitcollector) : 4/8/2007 10:35:50 PM GMT
Ok i see my problem... I'm using the sparkfun eagle symbol and it doesnt have pin 9 on the schematic but it is on the board footprint. I guess i'll add pin 9 to the symbol and give it a pull up resistor.