16x16 LED matrix Real Time Clock interface for the SX52/SX48 and DS1302 RTC
Through the good help of many individuals such as JonnyMac, JDOhio, Bean, PJ Allen and Sparks-R-Fun, this project is finished enough to be on the "Completed Projects" page. I will probably modify it a little bit more but this is a good project for anyone that wants to interface a DS1302 RTC to an SX48 or SX52. I will post another project that interfaces a DS1302 to an SX28 with a serial LCD as the display medium. However for this project an SX52 protoboard was used because this interface goes one step further in that it will scroll the Time and Date across a 16x16 LED matrix of 256 LEDs. You can also program in a 16x16 picture. In the case of the attached program, a 16x16 smiley face scrolls up between time and date scrolling cycles. It is also possible to modify this code to scroll down and right but I haven't gotten to that point yet as going left and up was the easiest to start with (thanks to JonnyMac).
It displays a 16x16 LED matrix that I soldered by hand (2 nights to do). However, I have some pre manufactured 2 LED color 8x8 LED matrixes that I will use in the future. Here is a YouTube.com video that I made with the hand soldered LED matrix for demonstration purposes. I have since moved the DS1302 off of the solderless breadboard and soldered it on the SX52 Protoboard - so the video is a little outdated· (since last night). However the video of the display is what's important.
If an SX48 Protoboard is used, then only 1 RA line (RA.3) is available for expansion. If an SX52 Protoboard is used, then 5 RA lines (RA.3 - RA.7) are available for future project usage. One idea is to use some switches to auto program the time and date in.
Post Edited (T&E Engineer) : 6/10/2007 12:09:00 PM GMT
It displays a 16x16 LED matrix that I soldered by hand (2 nights to do). However, I have some pre manufactured 2 LED color 8x8 LED matrixes that I will use in the future. Here is a YouTube.com video that I made with the hand soldered LED matrix for demonstration purposes. I have since moved the DS1302 off of the solderless breadboard and soldered it on the SX52 Protoboard - so the video is a little outdated· (since last night). However the video of the display is what's important.
If an SX48 Protoboard is used, then only 1 RA line (RA.3) is available for expansion. If an SX52 Protoboard is used, then 5 RA lines (RA.3 - RA.7) are available for future project usage. One idea is to use some switches to auto program the time and date in.
Post Edited (T&E Engineer) : 6/10/2007 12:09:00 PM GMT
This a Very nice Project and a Cool
This is...
I know that was NOT·an Easy Thing to do but Look Very Nice
··Thanks for any·
I also hope to add my new SX48 OEM module kit (courtesy of RobotWorkshop) to have everything on one board. But I will have to look at the big picture of keeping cost down and may use it as a development tool only.
I am also working on a bi-colored version (software/hardware will take some time to develop). This uses (4) 8x8 LED modules that together are 25% the size of the original one pictured (75% size reduction in display AND 2 colors - red&green)
More to come..
PS: I have some pics to see.
Post Edited (T&E Engineer) : 4/17/2007 1:56:40 PM GMT
The back of the board looks as neat as the front
Please keep us POSTED as how your Project Comes Along Thanks For sharing with all
of us
·I am looking forward to what you· come up with this part ····
LEDs harder with more current with some 2-3 Amp P channel MosFETs
Thanks again For sharing with all of us
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 4/17/2007 2:29:41 PM GMT
For the bi-color LED version I will most likely also need to add a few 74HC574 ICs and some additional ULN2803s too.
More to come.
Eventually I will come up with another design using some serial chips like A6821 or TPIC6C595 to free up a little I/O for use with an SX48 protoboard. The key to my sucess was first the great help on this forum and a couple of others that I have solicited help to understand this concept better.
Here is the YouTube video:
More to come...
Let me know what you think. It is certainly one of the hardest projects I have designed and understand.
This has turn out to be very nice project
I like the fact that info move left to right and the...
A very nice·way to have·a clock to tell time by and use a 16x16 LED matrix·to do with
Very Very Cool
Thanks for sharing with us
··Thanks for any·
I can also make anything scroll upwards but it is slightly dimmer (almost unnoticible) because it doesn't utilize the P-FETs as efficiently.
I just need to come up with some ideas on "what" to display. Any message is possible and any single color (green, red or yellow). It "may" be possible to have·multiple colors on·at the same time but that's pretty advanced for the moment. ·It was pretty tight in fitting the 4 proto and perf boards into this case. I also use a "smoked" grey plexiglass sheild to block out light. It does filter the outgoing LEDs a little but adds protection and makes it look cool too.
I will finish the schematics hopefully tomorrow and post them.
Thanks again.
Post Edited (T&E Engineer) : 5/10/2007 3:30:38 AM GMT