Stamp rebooting computer?
Posts: 4
Has anyone else had a problem with the stamp (BS2sx) some how making your computer restart every now and then?
Both USB and serial hardware ports are supposed to be pretty resistant to static discharge and other invalid signals.
I played with this circuit for quite a while today, and it has not restarted my pc, so what ever that
was is hopefully gone.
The command interperter is getting warm, so I checked, and the stamp itself (between pin 21) is drawing
60 Ma. I removed the 2803, and it did not change, so I removed the 10K on the inputs, same thing
no change...
Attached is the circuit I'm using.
The program is right out of the manual for reading in a voltage, except I'm using a LM35 instead of
a pot, and outputing to an LED when it reaches a temp.. It works great! But the heat is a concern..
Does this look OK?
If the Stamp is getting warm, but not hot, I wouldn't worry. You're dissipating about 1/3 watt in the Stamp and you should be able to feel that as a little warmth.
I have the program only turn on one LED at a time, and turn it off for 1 sec before the next one
comes on (rising temp), so it should be good..