Propeller(formerly Atmel)-based biped
Hey, this is Atmega128.
To everyone who posted on the previous thread Thank you very much. This new thread was started to talk about exactly the same thing. One changed: Propeller powered!!!

Anyway, so the biped is still going to be based of the Cycloid 2 (see below)

Here is the current parts list:
-1 Propeller Proto board= $24.95
-1 extra Propeller chip= $12.95
-22 Futaba S3305 servos= $769.78
-1 Futaba S148 servo= $13.99
-1 HS-65HB Mighty Feather= $24.99
-2 Parallax Servo Controllers= $79.90 total
-1 Boe-Bot CMUcam= $139.95
For an extra Pchip, would i use the DIP model or QFP model?
Could i get a Futaba S3305 to turn 180 degrees total. Would the pot still function? Currently it only turns 90 degrees total. I've got an
for a specialized gearbox for this job that might work.
Yeah, Yeah, I know. "I don't have the experience." I dont really care, it is fun to try.
Post Edited (Atmega128) : 4/5/2007 9:28:30 PM GMT
To everyone who posted on the previous thread Thank you very much. This new thread was started to talk about exactly the same thing. One changed: Propeller powered!!!

Anyway, so the biped is still going to be based of the Cycloid 2 (see below)

Here is the current parts list:
-1 Propeller Proto board= $24.95
-1 extra Propeller chip= $12.95
-22 Futaba S3305 servos= $769.78
-1 Futaba S148 servo= $13.99
-1 HS-65HB Mighty Feather= $24.99
-2 Parallax Servo Controllers= $79.90 total
-1 Boe-Bot CMUcam= $139.95
For an extra Pchip, would i use the DIP model or QFP model?
Could i get a Futaba S3305 to turn 180 degrees total. Would the pot still function? Currently it only turns 90 degrees total. I've got an

Yeah, Yeah, I know. "I don't have the experience." I dont really care, it is fun to try.
Post Edited (Atmega128) : 4/5/2007 9:28:30 PM GMT
Thank's Brian
·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein· My favorite website ( Bet you can't guess why)
Post Edited (Atmega128) : 4/8/2007 1:35:48 PM GMT
Yeah, Yeah, I know. "I don't have the experience." I dont really care, it is fun to try.
Post Edited (Atmega128) : 4/5/2007 9:27:40 PM GMT
List of materials so far:
-2 Propeller Proto board= I forgot
-22 Futaba S3305 servos= $769.78
-1 Futaba S148 servo= $13.99
-1 HS-65HB Mighty Feather= $24.99
-1 Boe-Bot CMUcam= $139.95
Im low on extra cash so if someone can donate something for this project that would be great. Any suggestions are welcome.
Post Edited (Atmega128) : 4/8/2007 1:36:07 PM GMT
Building bipeds (or thiking about them) is fun, don't spoil it.
Post Edited (Bipedbuilder) : 4/8/2007 4:55:12 PM GMT
Another forum you might want to check out if you already haven't is
That fourm is not as active as this one but you might be able to find some useful infromation there.
Good luck on your project and be sure to give updates.
And yes , the forum does seem unforgiving of those of us who seek instant gratification. I do appreciate the patience of the veteran users and hope I can contribute something back in the future.
Post Edited (T0m) : 4/3/2007 1:14:27 PM GMT
Let's see, at 500 mA per servo, that's 11 AMPS at 6 volts, or 66 watts. That's a LOT of current. Okay, for position holding maybe it's 100 mA per servo, while motion is 900 mA. If all of them pulled 100 mA, that's still 2.2 Amps continuous.
Robot vision is the the future, and Vision will take us there.
Post Edited (T0m) : 4/5/2007 8:55:36 PM GMT
Cost for 10 HS-755HB(180-degrees modified)=37.99 each =379.90 total+tax
Propeller= 24.95
Yeah, Yeah, I know. "I don't have the experience." I dont really care, it is fun to try.
you could also replace the 4 servos from the low ends of the arms to 4 Futaba S148, you don't need so much torque at those ends; that will cut a little bit more of your total cost.
About the instant gratification subject, I believe if someone asks a question, and someone knows the answer, they should just answer without riddles or egotistic remarks, just answer the question, or if you don't want to instant gratify that person, just don't answer the thread. I myself am a newby, and I have asked questions here, that are not answered, but have pointed me not to the right answer, but to a solution. I only have a few months here, and already posted one finish project for anyone out there to view. I will give more as I learn, and do.
Fernando Gomez
Never compare yourself with anyone else, there will always be someone bigger·or·smaller·than you.
-2 Propeller Proto boards= $49.90
-18 Futaba S3305 servos= $629.82
-5 Futaba S148 servos= $69.95
-1 HS-65HB Mighty Feather= $24.99
Total= $774.66
Yeah, Yeah, I know. "I don't have the experience." I dont really care, it is fun to try.