Want to find a way to convert RX'd Bytes into a DATA statement so they can be R
I have been able to TX and RX Bytes between an SX28 and an SX52. Ultimately what I would like to do is TX DS1302 Byte data from a SX28 and RX it to a SX52 that drives a 16x16 LED matrix. I would do it all in 1 SX52 but I have there would not be enough Variable space no mater how hard I tried to cut back. I have been able to send (TX) and receive (RX) bytes and test it to verify that they are communicating together. So no problem with this aspect of TXing and RXing.
The SX28 controls a DS1302 Real Time Clock to an LCD and it works correctly (thanks to JDOhio). I want to TX (not to an LCD) but to a SX52 so that the bytes can be displayed on my 16x16 LED matrix. I have already worked out (with great help from JonnyMac) the display routines on the SX52. I can display scrolling messages on the 16x16 LED matrix with out much problem now. However, the scrolling routine used was taken from the RobOlympics code which uses a DATA statement to scroll messages (but NOT individual Bytes being RX'd in).
I want to know if there is a way to take the RX'd Bytes in and save them back into a DATA statement or something so that the routine can scroll the DATA statement messages (as the Data statement is being READ into a variable called "DataChr"). What also if the RX'd bytes could be appended together into "DataChr". Would this have the same effect as a DATA and READ statement?
I need to think about this some more but if anyone has any ideas, Please feel free to comment.
The SX28 controls a DS1302 Real Time Clock to an LCD and it works correctly (thanks to JDOhio). I want to TX (not to an LCD) but to a SX52 so that the bytes can be displayed on my 16x16 LED matrix. I have already worked out (with great help from JonnyMac) the display routines on the SX52. I can display scrolling messages on the 16x16 LED matrix with out much problem now. However, the scrolling routine used was taken from the RobOlympics code which uses a DATA statement to scroll messages (but NOT individual Bytes being RX'd in).
I want to know if there is a way to take the RX'd Bytes in and save them back into a DATA statement or something so that the routine can scroll the DATA statement messages (as the Data statement is being READ into a variable called "DataChr"). What also if the RX'd bytes could be appended together into "DataChr". Would this have the same effect as a DATA and READ statement?
I need to think about this some more but if anyone has any ideas, Please feel free to comment.
Will storing the RX Bytes as variables allow them to be READ·from a DATA statement?