Posts: 5
How can I use different more graphics tiles in VGA_1024x768_Tile_Driver_With_Cursor example? Thanks
Chip Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
I need to identify different display_bases and want to fill them different shapes,counters etc..When I tried that all display_bases were same content.
You could also declare a 4 element array of graphics drivers and it would work the same. Each frame requires a call to start and stop and setup to define the bitmap. You could reduce the number of cogs used if you don't need to constantly update the graphics frames by calling stop for the idle graphics frame and start for the new active one. If there's one frame that's constantly updated, you could leave that cog running. Don't call any graphics method for a frame without an active cog ... the program will hang up waiting for a cog to process the graphics request. Be sure to call finish before calling stop.
Chip, thank you for posting this.. (Although you've given me another week of sleepless nights to look forward to, to absorb this. This looks like a perfect addition to my 8bit rendering project. (
I'm still working my way through an understanding of the "tiles." Do I understand properly the tiles themselves control colors fore/background colors of the screen? And that the limitation of these is less sections to control?
There is no status window. You can save the cog numbers returned by the COGNEW calls and display them yourself if you want.
The only reason to stop one of the graphics objects is to reuse the cog involved. If you have enough cogs for all the graphics frames, don't bother.
Also, if you do stop and restart the graphics objects, be sure to use the .finish call before stopping it so the last graphics operation will finish.
The graphics object will handle its own cogs if you call .start during initialization and .stop if you want to stop it.
Set one display base, and map all the tiles into a rectangular area. Draw with one graphics instance where it makes sense. Imagine all of your graphics fit into that rectangle.
Each tile points to an address in memory somewhere. Pointing a tile to the ROM can display a character. Pointing it to a location in RAM can make it display part of the display base. Simply change the addresses for the specific screen tiles to locations in the display base and you are done with one COG and just having to live with drawing in specific coordinates to place images in the right tiles.
See this document for an explanation of the screen array, which is where this addressing is done:
The goods are somewhere around page 333.
The 'R's represent a tile pointed to ROM memory to display a character. The lower letters all refer to the RAM mapped tiles that the graphics driver display base point to.
To display your graphics, just calculate where the coordinates would be for each unique tile, assuming they are packed into the rectangle.
You should be able to work with the demo, edit the screen addresses and get different tiles to display different parts of the little bitmap chip put into the demo. Once you have achieved this, the rest will be obvious, I hope!
Chip Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
in up frame I want to up arrows, in down frame I want to down arrows..Can anyone· change my code for it....if anyone has done that...I will understood how can use more cogs at the same time...thanx for your helps...