Boe Bot Pan and Tilt
Hi Guys,
I made this little accessory for the Boe Bot. It could be fun with Robo Realm and a little wireless spy cam. It has some LED head lights that I plan on switching on with the light sensor that comes with the Boe Bot kit. I think that if I use pwm to run the lights it will have little effect on battery life. I· made a housing for the Parallax Ping Sensor that can be easily mounted on pan and tilt plate. I also came up with·fairly simple bumber switches. The pan and tilt uses 2 micro servos. The Boe Bot drive servos will have to mounted with the axles foward to keep the Boe Bot from falling foward when it goes from foward to reverse. Anyway, enjoy the pics.
Post Edited (T0m) : 3/27/2007 11:22:02 PM GMT
I made this little accessory for the Boe Bot. It could be fun with Robo Realm and a little wireless spy cam. It has some LED head lights that I plan on switching on with the light sensor that comes with the Boe Bot kit. I think that if I use pwm to run the lights it will have little effect on battery life. I· made a housing for the Parallax Ping Sensor that can be easily mounted on pan and tilt plate. I also came up with·fairly simple bumber switches. The pan and tilt uses 2 micro servos. The Boe Bot drive servos will have to mounted with the axles foward to keep the Boe Bot from falling foward when it goes from foward to reverse. Anyway, enjoy the pics.
Post Edited (T0m) : 3/27/2007 11:22:02 PM GMT
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
Thank You for the compliment. I have a mini CCD that is wireless. The parts are made with a small Taig cnc mill. I do my design work with TurboCad.· Tom
Post Edited (T0m) : 3/27/2007 3:11:22 AM GMT
I do have some on an online auction site. I just want to see if there is any interest.
Post Edited (T0m) : 3/28/2007 3:11:39 AM GMT
By all means please post a link to the auction.
I worked on making a pan-tilt fixture from FR-4 on my LPKF mill. But 0.062" is just too thin to get screws in the edge.
What material is yours made from ?
"Educate your children to self-control, to the habit of holding passion and prejudice and evil tendencies subject to an upright and reasoning will, and you have done much to abolish misery from their future and crimes from society"
Benjamin Franklin
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I think it is against the rules of thE forum to post anything that can Be veiwed as Advertizing. I can tell You that the site is very popular and the item would be very easy to find. As far as material, I am using 1/4 and 1/8 expanded pvc . It is light wieght and reasonably strong. Most of the fasters that are used in the edges of the 1/4 parts are 2-56 stainless steel machine screws that I had from an earlier project.
It's okay to post a link to an auction - no big deal.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
You can post it in the Sandbox Forum...Besides, it's related to our products...Take care!
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Its on Ebay.
Have you tried your mount with the camera operating? Yours looks to be more rigid than mine so your's probably won't have the "wobblies" like my first attempt did.
Nice Boe Bot. My camera is one of those tiny ones about the size of a quarter. I am hoping it works out well. I am currently trying to figure out how to use roborealm with my eb500 bluetooth. I am not getting very far because I am struggling with programming. I do not think my pan and tilt would do very well with a camera as big as yours. I would have to disasemble a cam like that and just use the good bits inside to reduce the weight. If you look at my boe vision post you can see my cam mounted with some high output LEDs. The small cam I use works much better with proper light. I have used the small cam on my n-gauge train set engine and have been very happy with the quality of video ( it makes you feel like you are on the train going through the scenery ). The pan and tilt I made is expanded pvc and very light weight and strong, the servos are small and compact yet strong. Over all it is very rigid but bumpy terrain would and be transmitted the pan and tilt thus causing the video to be jumpy during movement, but I guess that would be the case with any cam application like ours. Thanks for sharing your pics and experiences with the pan and tilt. I will be wary of the wobbling and let you know what happens.
The camera I use is actually much lighter than it looks. Also, the 7.2 v battery mounted low in the back gives the whole platform added stability.·I have the same problem with lighting. The camera is only used in "look up" mode when there's plenty of light. In low light or dark conditions, the camera goes into "look down" mode and sends back a video image of the navagation display which is at the front of the upper deck and is linked to the PING))) sensor at the front of the bot. The display is a 160x128 pixel OLED that produces a "radar" like display of what's in front of the bot. YouTube:
The video is of the raw display without any graphics overlay (the graphics prog used to load images into the display's flash memory has a bug in it that only loads the leftmost 128 pixels of the image
After seeing your work, I just may have to look at investing in a CNC mill. Making·parts one at a time using simple hand tool is getting kind of old, but I think my wife would kill me if I brought one more piece of equipmet home.
·Good luck and keep cranking out the cool parts.