Servos getting hot
Is there something you recommend that would serve to alleviate my servos getting overheated on my quadcrawler?· Is the primary contributor to heat the speed setting?· Other factors?· I'd like to·get to the point where I can run it autonoumsly for more than 15 minutes or so without having to worry about overheating servos.

What is the power source for your servos?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Heat is generally a sign that you are using power; either too much voltage or that the motors are suffering from too much current drawn via beng stalled a lot.
In the past, a lot of guys have tried to boost servos' power by increasing the voltage. The trade off is a much shorter life.
"If you want more fiber, eat the package.· Not enough?· Eat the manual."········
Thanks for the reply.· I'm using a 7.2v nicad from Radio Shack running through the Parallax PSC.· I think @ 2400ma.· The Quad manual suggests 7.2v @ 3000ma.· Should or could I do with lesser voltage?· I've also noticed servo shake when tuning the legs on my Quad Crawler.
Last night, I was reviewing commentary on earlier Parallax support forums concerning servo shake being due to voltage above 6v.· Could the heat and shake be due to my battery selection.· What say ye?
Thanks for your input as well.· I'm not trying to boost my servos, really.· I'm happy with the Hitec 322HDs as they are.· I just don't want to cook them with too much juice, if indeed that is the problem.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
'So many little time.'