Boe-Bot and Bluetooth in c#
I got a Boe-bot and the eb500 bluetooth
I 'm trying to make a program in c# to controll my boe-bot, the communication between my PC and the bot happens with bluetooth with eb500.
I've been trying to make it work with microsoft robottics studio, but I've done most of the·tuttorials and I'm still not closer to making my own programm.
So if anobody has any experience with Microsoft Robotics and the eb500 that could give some hints or tips.
But I'm also trying to do it know without the Robotic Studio, and just use the possiblities in microsoft visual c# express studio 2005 with a COM port since the eb500 works with virtual COM-ports
So I anyone knows anything please post it I aprecieat all help
I 'm trying to make a program in c# to controll my boe-bot, the communication between my PC and the bot happens with bluetooth with eb500.
I've been trying to make it work with microsoft robottics studio, but I've done most of the·tuttorials and I'm still not closer to making my own programm.
So if anobody has any experience with Microsoft Robotics and the eb500 that could give some hints or tips.
But I'm also trying to do it know without the Robotic Studio, and just use the possiblities in microsoft visual c# express studio 2005 with a COM port since the eb500 works with virtual COM-ports
So I anyone knows anything please post it I aprecieat all help
and are using the example code downloadable from there,
and that you have done most of this tutorial:
You state that you have not "made your own program". Have you successfully run the example programs from the tutorial and example code? If not, maybe someone on this forum could help if you indicate exactly where in the tutorial(s) your program has problems?
You might also find the three articles by Wei-Meng Lee helpful for general MS VS programming·--links/downloads to be found here:
The key file to know what is going on with the BoeBot in MSRS is found here:
Microsoft Robotics Studio (1.0)\samples\Platforms\Parallax\BasicStamp2\BoeBotControl.cs
It contains the C# code to interact with BoeBotControlForMsrsCtp2.bs2 across the eb500.
It's a pretty simple protocol, but provides a basis for writing your own C# module outside of MSRS. The documentation, "BlueTooth BoeBot Robot" (#28118) has the protocol used by the program pair.
MSRS is typically Microsoft. They are using techniques only meant for top-tier programmers familiar with SOAP and WebServices offered by a tangle of C# infrastructure.
Microsoft offers a BlueTooth SDK for Mobile and desktop environments that you can study and use for making a BT communications path without the MSRS.
If you haven't discovered them, be sure to use the forums linked from -- lots of smart people there.
@PAR: what you said is correct, and i completed the tutorials without to much problems
@Joss: So you say that the code could work on its on without all the extra's