Looking for a water flow meter
Hi Every One
I am at it agian
I want to use something that shows flow of water and use this with a
Basic Stamp
·I Google for a flow meter before and was not able to find any thing· that i
was willing to spend the money on
I·looking to spend up to $50.00 or maybe a liitle more·on this item
It only has to meter·1 to·5·GPM but it has read the flow
Can any one help me·with out me spending an arm and a leg on this
[noparse][[/noparse]Moderator added subject line]
··Thanks for any·
·that you may have and all of your time finding them
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 3/20/2007 5:09:13 PM GMT
I am at it agian
I want to use something that shows flow of water and use this with a
Basic Stamp
·I Google for a flow meter before and was not able to find any thing· that i
was willing to spend the money on
I·looking to spend up to $50.00 or maybe a liitle more·on this item

It only has to meter·1 to·5·GPM but it has read the flow
Can any one help me·with out me spending an arm and a leg on this
[noparse][[/noparse]Moderator added subject line]
··Thanks for any·

Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 3/20/2007 5:09:13 PM GMT
Try getting some sort of propeller into the water stream and count the blades going by a Hall effect sensor.
Omega Engineering has some paddle wheel style with a pulse output but are well over $50.
Try e-bay as well.
If the delivery stream doesn't have to be under pressure, you can build a weir dam in a piece of rain gutter with a triangular slot in it. Measure the height of water as it builds up against the weir. More height means more flow.
Good luck.
Tom Sisk
Thank You for the Web Link This will work and I will buy one and try it out
This is a little more money than i want to spend on this flow meter but not
overly priced
When·i·was looking for·them before the ones that i saw where alot more money and where the ventera type flow meter
··Thanks for any·
There would be an associated water pressure with a certain flow in a certain pipe.
Do you just want to know set points? Could just use a water pressure switch (fairly cheap)....then set it for the pressure you're interested in.
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
- Stephen
·www.mscdirect.com··· page 4547
Thank's Brian
·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein
Thanks for the web link this just might work
For this price i might just hack it to find out how it work
·I will have as much fun as these guy are having···· ·
Brian Beckius
Thanks for your reply but is alittle more than what i want to spend on this project
Thank for your reply I would like to use 3/4 pvc pipe
··Thanks for any·
I bought two of these and I took one apart and it has a reed switch in it
Found this by Googling. www.allergybegone.com/flowpro-fpdm-200-digital-flow-meter.html
I am going to use a Parallax Melexis 90217 sensor to count the RPM's and chage it GPM
I will have to order some of these to play with
It has a nice wheel with a magnet and runs very freely well worth the $27.00 for it
Thank You For finding this item for me
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 4/10/2007 3:34:36 AM GMT
about 10 dolloars
Thank you for posting this. They have the exact sensor I wanted for a project a couple months ago. -Bookmarked-