Boe-bot 3d model
Helle there!
I'm currently working on a Boe bot, for a school project, and i'm looking for a 3D model, of this bot, in an Autodesk Inventor Pro (v10.0) format.
Does some one know where i would be able to find it?
Thank in advance.
I'm currently working on a Boe bot, for a school project, and i'm looking for a 3D model, of this bot, in an Autodesk Inventor Pro (v10.0) format.
Does some one know where i would be able to find it?
Thank in advance.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
nobody for my request?
Magic Smoke Theory of Electronics –
Inside every electronic part there is magic smoke.
The magic smoke is what makes everything work.
If you release the magic smoke, the part stops working!
can you give me the link?
look what i've all ready made:
For the electronic part, the bot will be able to, cross a labyrinth, alone, with two sensors.
what do you think about it?
Just one of my two cents
If you are looking for the link, it is
Magic Smoke Theory of Electronics –
Inside every electronic part there is magic smoke.
The magic smoke is what makes everything work.
If you release the magic smoke, the part stops working!
- Rick
Don't worry for the ball, it's placed 10 milimeters above the groud, locked on a support, so, the gripper will take it [noparse];)[/noparse]
Sizes are tiniest as possible!
The block was directed by a specifications book: no size rules, but the electromagnet usage (only one) was obligatory!
All the block will be make by CNC (manuals will be hardest), but, beffor, i'll make a FastProto, to see problems which would happened.
I could not use Parallax model, because, an entire work from myself was expected.
At the begining, the bot will be allready above the ball, 'll close the gripper, and roll across the labyrinth.
Like you had seen it, the gripper is in the back of bot, it's normal, sensor are on the front, to give direction to bot.
if you can watch *.3gp video format:
sorry for disorder in my answers [noparse]:)[/noparse]