Problem with sending data to GPS
I am using a Atmel Atmega16 microcontroller to send and receive data form the Parallax GPS module.· I am setting the baude rate at 4800.· I've followed the data sheet exactly for controlling the GPS module, however, it is not responding.
I've established communication with 2 microcontrollers w/ baude rate 4800 with no problem.
Is it possible that there is an issue with my GPS module??· If anyone is familar with this type of application, I would appreciate any guidance.· Please let me know if I can provide any more specifics.
Thank You.
I've established communication with 2 microcontrollers w/ baude rate 4800 with no problem.
Is it possible that there is an issue with my GPS module??· If anyone is familar with this type of application, I would appreciate any guidance.· Please let me know if I can provide any more specifics.
Thank You.
Briefly reviewing the Atmega16's datasheet, it's clear that the built-in USART is not really set up for this kind of bidirectional serial I/O. It can be done by disabling the Atmega16's transmitter as soon as the transmit buffer is empty. The receiver will echo the transmitted data if it's not disabled while transmitting. You may need a pull-up resistor on the I/O line as well. You could also implement this by using an open-collector or open-drain buffer for the Atmega16's transmit pin.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 3/18/2007 3:38:12 AM GMT
What are you sending and what is it you expect to get back?
- Stephen
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
We sent it MC to MC. We just sent a command to get Latititude as if it were the GPS.
On a side note, we are able receive GPS strings in unidirectional mode through MAX202.
We are going to try the implementing the schematic. I'll update on what happens