joystick dampening math/ code
Posts: 100
Anyone know of any math for dampening the effect of a joystick? I am building a project that precicely and remotly controls a motion picture camera using a playstation 2 controller and a propellar chip. at the moment the playstation controller is too sensitive and needs some way of dampening the Playstation joystick input. basicly I would like to have have an adjustable control dampening similar to the dampening an electric wheel chair might have. anyone done somthing like this before?
Actual_position := (Actual_position * Smooth + Requested_position * (100 - Smooth)) / 100
Requested_position is the input from the joystick. Actual_position is the number you use instead. Smooth ranges from 0 to 100 and represents the amount of smoothing. If Smooth is zero, no smoothing takes place. if Smooth is 100, no movement takes place. You'll find a happy medium somehwere in between.
Don't overdo the smoothing, though, as the person controlling things will have a tendency to overshoot the target. In any event, it will take some practice to get used to.
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 3/17/2007 2:23:09 AM GMT
Is the "Actual_position" on the right side of the equation the previous Actual_position?
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Yes. And I should have noted that it needs to be initialized to the Requested_position at the beginning of the program.
By "change direction" are you implying that Requested_position can take on negative values? If that's the case, some major code changes will be necessary.
when changeSpeed is called it is sent the current position of the joystick which is one byte 127 being the center of the joystick 0 and 255 being the all all the way foward or all the way back. the joystick is then remaped so that 0 is the center and 128 and 127 are the foward and back and direction can be determined. next the joystick is remaped to a scale that the stepper motor methode can handle ( sets the delay between steps) 255000 being stoped and 1 being the fastest step rate. then the speed is smoothed by the by the IIR equation before setting the output speed(spd). I know there is likely an eeasier way to do this but I do't have much programing experience yet. thanks for the help
Post Edited (originator) : 3/18/2007 12:19:26 AM GMT
The variable requested_speed needs to be continuous at the edges of the deadzone. This will fix it so it is.
Anyways, fascinating stuff, glad you posted as I have gained some useful info from Phils ideas.
I gave this a try but all it did was slow the speed of my motors, my dead zone still doesn't work and smoothing doesn't work for changing directions. I guess I'm still a little confused because I used (speed -127) and (speed - 128) to remap the joystick so if I set them to (speed - 121) and (speed - 133) I'm just truncating the range of the joystick right?
thanks for the help, I'm slowly getting there
Okay, I see the problem. Dir is based on the instantaneous value of speed, whereas spd is smoothed. Both need to be based on smoothed values. I would compute requested_speed as a smoothed byte value from spd, forgetting about direction, but including any deadzone allowances you think are necessary. Then compute dir from requested_speed, along with a period variable for the steppers.
Strictly speaking period = k / speed, rather than k - speed, and you'll probably get better results if you follow this dictum. Of course speed can be zero, so you'll need to include a special case to avoid dividing by zero.