ftdi ft232r clock
does anyone know how or if it's even posible to keep the ft232r outputing a clock signal out of one of the cbus pins even if there is no usb conectin to chip? I have a design where the propellar chip is getting it's clock signal from the ft232r cbus0 pin but the clock signal is gone soon as the usb cable is un-pluged. is there anyway to keep the chipn active? would sinking a pwren# cbus pin to ground keep the chip and clock active?
easy fix
note in the data sheet there are examples of both cases, plus switching modes
"The USB chip will only drive the oscillator when it is both powered and when
it sees the 1mS USB frames from the host. When the 1mS frames stop, the IC
assumes the host has entered Standby mode and shuts down to meet the USB
spec of less than 500uA current draw in Standby more."
my question is if there is any way around this to prevent the ft232r from going into standby, or some how keep its clock output going. Has anyone had any experiences with this?
Just jumper a wire(use current limiting resistor maybe 4.7k) from an unused Prop pin to the USB frame in, have the Prop first sync to the frames, then AND to the frame input via the resistor. Then pull the cable
1. Monitor the frames on Pin
2. Sync to frames
3. Switch to outputting sync frames on PIN
4. pull cable
Post Edited (originator) : 3/16/2007 10:02:00 PM GMT
I could be mistaken on this theory.
Could the Prop generate the exact clock/frames at boot up to make the IC think it is a USB cable? I don't know the speeds required for the clock, someone else may know. If it is "just a clock"", it could be produced by a number of methods, even an SX MAY be able to emulate it. If this is correct, it is a cheap solution.
If a USB device were plugged in, you would have to switch back to the cables clock/frames.