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Displaying Fractional Inches (eg 3-11/16) — Parallax Forums

Displaying Fractional Inches (eg 3-11/16)

Lawrence ShaferLawrence Shafer Posts: 12
edited 2007-03-19 04:23 in BASIC Stamp
I am building a measuring system for a band saw mill with a stamp counting pulses on a hall switch . Lets say the stamp counts to 1275, how would I display it as 12-3/4 inches? with the limited math it has available?



  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-03-15 20:18
    You represent fractions as integers (like 1275 for 12.75 inches). You can display this with or without the decimal point. If you really want to display fractional inches, you might want to store your data internally in terms of fractional inches and you have to decide what your basic unit is. For example, you might keep all your data in terms of 1/16th of an inch, so 3-11/16 comes out to 3 x 16 + 11 = 59. You can add and subtract in these units and multiply and divide by integer values (like 2 or 3). When it's time to display the value, you divide by the fraction divisor (16) to display the whole inches and take the remainder (modulus) to get the number of 1/16ths of an inch to display. If you want to get fancy and figure out the smallest denominator, you can just reduce the fraction by dividing numerator and denominator (initially 16) by 2 if the numerator is even (if the remainder of the division by 2 is 0) repeatedly until the numerator is odd (checking for zero initially).

    There are ways to do the same with decimal fractions. If you keep your data in hundreths as you've shown, you can have a table in EEPROM that contains the upper limit for a decimal fraction part and the characters to display. For quarters, this could be:
    table  DATA  75,"3/4",0
             DATA  50,"1/2",0
             DATA  25,"1/4",0
             DATA  0

    You'd go through this table, checking the fractional part against the first byte of each entry. If it's greater or equal to the first byte, you'd display the string starting at the 2nd byte. If not, you'd skip over the string and it's zero delimiter and check the next entry. You'd need to check for zero before searching this table because that's a special case (with no fraction). Clearly, if you want more precision (like 3 decimal digits), you'd have to use a word for the numeric part of the entry rather than a byte value. If all of your measurements are positive, you could represent up to 65 inches with 3 decimal places.
  • Lawrence ShaferLawrence Shafer Posts: 12
    edited 2007-03-16 04:27
    Thanks! I think I'll try the table method. It would only take 16 rows to have the accuracy I need (16ths)
  • Harrison.Harrison. Posts: 484
    edited 2007-03-16 04:58
    You could do some sort of fraction reducing method to derive the fractional value on the fly. This may not be useful though because I don't know how much delay you will have if your stamp has to do this every display update.

    For example (untested and probably horribly inefficent):
    counts var word
    numerator var byte
    denominator var byte
    i var byte
    counts = 1275
    numerator = counts // 100
    if numerator > 0 then
         denominator = 100
         for i = numerator to 1 step -1
              if (numerator // i = 0) AND (denominator // i = 0) then
                   numerator = numerator / i
                   denominator = denominator / i
         debug #counts / 100, "-", #numerator, "/", #denominator
         debug #counts / 100


    Post Edited (Harrison.) : 3/16/2007 5:05:07 AM GMT
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,664
    edited 2007-03-16 06:05
    It appears that the count is in units of 0.01 inch. Here is a different math to turn it into 1/16ths.

    x VAR word   ' for example 1275
    p  VAR byte   ' e.g. 12, the integer part
    n VAR byte   ' e.g. 3, the numerator
    d VAR byte  ' e.g. 4, the denominator, either 2,4,8 or 16
    t VAR nib    ' a scratch variable
    p = x/100   ' integer part
    n = x//100 * 16  / 100  ' fractional numerator, implied denominator of 16
    ' at this point we want to shift the binary numerator and denominator right by the same amount to get rid of zeros in the lsbs.
    t = NCD (n REV 4)  ' find how many places to shift
    n = n >> t   ' make fraction in lowest terms, e.g., 12/16 will become 3/4
    d = 16 >> t
    DEBUG DEC p, "-", DEC n, "/", DEC d, CR

    The above does not round off. It rounds down, so 99/100 becomes 15/16. Maybe the mechanism is set already with the offset. Otherwise it could be done in the math. The operation (t=NCD (n REV 4)) is a trick. Suppose x=1275, so n=12 (meaning 12/16). In binary the numerator is %1100, and the REV4 turns that into %0011. The NCD finds the highest bit that is a one, in this case t=2. So then it shifts both the numerator and denominator two bits right, so 12/16 becomes 3/4.

    Tracy Allen
  • Lawrence ShaferLawrence Shafer Posts: 12
    edited 2007-03-16 14:24
    Here is what I ended up using, Thanks!

    x VAR Word   ' for example 1275
    p  VAR Byte   ' e.g. 12, the integer part
    n VAR Byte   ' e.g. 3, the numerator
    d VAR Byte  ' e.g. 4, the denominator, either 2,4,8 or 16
    t VAR Nib    ' a scratch variable
    i VAR Byte
    x = x + 1
    p = x/100   ' integer part
    n = x//100 * 16  / 100  ' fractional numerator, implied denominator of 16
    d = 16
    FOR i = 0 TO 2
      t = n / 2                    'test to see if n is divisible by 2
      t = t * 2
      IF (t = n) THEN
        n = n / 2                  'if it is, divide both n and d by two
        d = d / 2
        GOSUB PrntResult           'if not, we're done!
    NEXT                         ' stupid FOR NEXT, 'cause I couldn't get DO WHILE working.
    PAUSE 50
    DEBUG CLS, DEC p, "-", DEC n, "/", DEC d, 34, CR
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,664
    edited 2007-03-16 17:21
    The routine I posted has a bug in the expression for how many bits to shift, corrected below. I see that you found a good way to do it using a loop, but I wanted to show the closed form (loopless) math.

    x VAR word   ' for example 1275
    p  VAR byte   ' e.g. 12, the integer part
    n VAR byte   ' e.g. 3, the numerator
    d VAR byte  ' e.g. 4, the denominator, either 2,4,8 or 16
    t VAR nib    ' a scratch variable
    DEBUG "enter x:"
    p = x/100   ' integer part
    n = x//100 * 16  / 100  ' fractional numerator, implied denominator of 16
    ' at this point we want to shift the binary numerator and denominator right by the same amount to get rid of zeros in the lsbs.
    t = 4 - NCD (n REV 4)  ' find how many places to shift
    n = n >> t   ' make fraction in lowest terms, e.g., 12/16 will become 3/4
    d = 16 >> t
    DEBUG DEC p, "-", DEC n, "/", DEC d, CR

    Tracy Allen
  • Lawrence ShaferLawrence Shafer Posts: 12
    edited 2007-03-18 06:02
    Tracy, There seems to still be a bug with your code. When it should output 1/2 I get 1/1, and 3/4 is 3/2 and I don't understand what's going on in there well enough to fix it (yet).

    Also another one I have been playing with is trying to get this to work with signed negative numbers. I thought I could get it to work by doing something like adding 4000 to x and subtracting 40 from p and using SDEC, but it did not work. Is there a way to divide signed negative numbers on a stamp at all?

    Thanks a Million!

    Lawrence Shafer
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,664
    edited 2007-03-18 17:43
    Hi Lawrence,

    Hmmm. It seems to work okay for me. Enclose the whole routine in DO and LOOP so you can enter different values quickly in succession.

    I've attached a modified program that steps through a sequence of values from 1.27 down to -1.28 (yes, negative) and displays the fractional equivalent. Here is the start of that sequence as displayed. 127 is the Stamp's internal integer representation of decimal 1.27.

    127     1 . 1/4
    126     1 . 1/4
    125     1 . 1/4
    124     1 . 3/16
    123     1 . 3/16
    122     1 . 3/16
    121     1 . 3/16
    120     1 . 3/16
    119     1 . 3/16
    118     1 . 1/8
    117     1 . 1/8
    116     1 . 1/8
    115     1 . 1/8
    114     1 . 1/8
    113     1 . 1/8
    112     1 . 1/16
    111     1 . 1/16
    110     1 . 1/16
    109     1 . 1/16
    108     1 . 1/16
    107     1 . 1/16
    106     1
    105     1
    104     1
    103     1
    102     1
    101     1
    100     1
    99     0 . 15/16
    98     0 . 15/16
    97     0 . 15/16
    96     0 . 15/16
    95     0 . 15/16
    94     0 . 15/16
    93     0 . 7/8
    92     0 . 7/8
    91     0 . 7/8
    90     0 . 7/8
    89     0 . 7/8
    88     0 . 7/8
    87     0 . 13/16
    86     0 . 13/16
    85     0 . 13/16
    84     0 . 13/16
    83     0 . 13/16
    82     0 . 13/16
    81     0 . 3/4
    80     0 . 3/4
    79     0 . 3/4
     ... and so on down to -128

    Tracy Allen
  • Lawrence ShaferLawrence Shafer Posts: 12
    edited 2007-03-19 03:34
    Strange, it seems to work just fine now. I don't know what was wrong before. Maybe one day I'll understand BS II math! When do you think parallax will come out with a BasicX 24 equivalent? Or are they not as good as hyped to be? For now I'm staying with Parallax because of their perfect support system, It would take an awful lot to get me away from that!
  • Lawrence ShaferLawrence Shafer Posts: 12
    edited 2007-03-19 04:23
    Thanks Guys! here is the finished code if anyone's interested! Hope it's not too much of a mess... Both stamps communicate serially on pin1

    ' =========================================================================
    '   This code runs on the stamp connected to the VFD.
    '   {$STAMP BS2}
    '   {$PBASIC 2.5}
    ' =========================================================================
    ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]-------------------------------------------------
    VFD             PIN     15              ' VFD Serial I/O Pin
    SI              PIN     0               ' serial input
    FC              PIN     1               ' flow control pin
    ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]-------------------------------------------------------
    Baud            CON     6               ' 38.4 Kbps (BS2)
    ' These are constants for common control characters on the display.
    ' Remember, some are already defined in the editor, like CR and LF.
    BS              CON     $08             ' Back Space
    HT              CON     $09             ' Horizontal Tab
    HOM             CON     $0B             ' Home Position
    CLR             CON     $0C             ' Display Clear
    ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]-------------------------------------------------------
    index           VAR     Word            ' Main Counter Variable
    dispData        VAR     Byte            ' Display Data
    inches          VAR     Word
    result          VAR     Word
    last            VAR     Word
    swap            VAR     Bit
    x               VAR     Word            ' for example 1275
    p               VAR     Byte            ' e.g. 12, the integer part
    n               VAR     Byte            ' e.g. 3, the numerator
    d               VAR     Byte            ' e.g. 4, the denominator, either 2,4,8 or 16
    t               VAR     Nib             ' a scratch variable
    i               VAR     Byte
    z               VAR     Word
    z0              VAR     Word
    z1              VAR     Word
    ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]--------------------------------------------------
    HIGH VFD                                ' Initialize I/O Pin
    PAUSE 200                               ' Allow Time To Settle
    ' This command resets the display settings to deafult values, but the input
    ' buffer is not affected (contents remain).
    SEROUT VFD, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]$1B, $40, $0C]       ' Initialize Display
    PAUSE 200                               ' Allow Time To Settle
    ' You need to set this if you plan to write to the non-visible display
    ' memory.  Write Screen Mode Select: 0=Display Screen, 1=All Screen
    SEROUT VFD, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]$1F, $28, $77, $10, $01]
    ' This digit is the one to change       ^^
    ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Program Code ]----------------------------------------------------
      GOSUB Splash
    '  GOSUB Mag_2XY
      GOSUB Read_Inputs
      GOSUB Print_Result
        GOSUB Get_Reading
        GOSUB Read_Inputs
        GOSUB Print_Result
      LOOP                                  ' Loop Forever
    ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]-----------------------------------------------------
      SEROUT VFD, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]$1F, $28, $67, $40, $02, $02]
    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
      SERIN 1, 17197, 1000, No_Connection, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT("XZ"),sDEC x]         ' receive position from other stamp
    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
      PAUSE 100
      SEROUT VFD, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]CLR, "ERROR 83,"]
      SEROUT VFD, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]CR, LF, "No Connection  -"]
      PAUSE 3000
      SEROUT VFD, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]CR, "To Sensor Module"]
      PAUSE 3000
      SEROUT VFD, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]CLR]
      GOSUB Main
    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    INPUT 4                                ' read swap switch
    INPUT 7                                ' read zero switch
    IF (IN7 = 1) THEN                      ' if pin 7 is high, zero z (relative)
      z = x
    IF (IN4 = 0) THEN                      'swap z1 and z0 to swap positions on display
      z0 = z
      z1 = 0
      z0 = 0
      z1 = z
    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
      last = x                             ' save x so we can corectly calculate the second number on the display next time.
      IF (x.BIT15 = 1) THEN                ' convert negetive signed to positive else leave it alone. We need to have singed numbers
      x = x - (x * 2)                      '   for the zeroing function to work properly, but the conversion below will not work with SDEC,
      ENDIF                                '   so we have this strange little trick here to make it all work together.
      p = x/100                            ' integer part
      n = x//100 * 16  / 100               ' fractional numerator, implied denominator of 16
                                           ' at this point we want to shift the binary numerator and denominator right
                                           '   by the same amount TO get rid of zeros in the lsbs.
      t = 4 - NCD (n REV 4)                ' find how many places to shift
      n = n >> t                           ' make fraction in lowest terms, e.g., 12/16 will become 3/4
      d = 16 >> t
      IF (n = 0) THEN                      ' zero the denominator if the numerator is zero.
        d = 0
      x = last                             ' restore x to it's SDEC state.
    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
      x = x - z0
      GOSUB Conv_to_Inches
      x = x + z0
      SEROUT VFD, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]HOM, $1F, $28, $67, $40, $01, $01, $1F, $28, $67, $40, $02, $02, DEC2 p,
        $1F, $28, $67, $40, $01, $01, DEC n, "/", DEC d, "   ", " "]
      x = x - z1
      GOSUB Conv_to_Inches
      x = x + z1
      SEROUT VFD, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]CR, LF, HT, HT, HT, HT, HT, HT, "  ", DEC p, "-", DEC n, "/", DEC d, "    "]
    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] EEPROM Data ]------------------------------
    ShaferLabs      DATA    %11111111, %11111111,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00011100, %00000100,
                            %00100010, %00000010,
                            %01000001, %00000010,
                            %01000001, %00000010,
                            %01000000, %10000010,
                            %01000000, %10000010,
                            %01000000, %01000010,
                            %01000000, %01000100,
                            %00100000, %00111000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %01111111, %11110000,
                            %00000010, %00000000,
                            %00000010, %00000000,
                            %00000010, %00000000,
                            %00000010, %00000000,
                            %00000010, %00000000,
                            %00000010, %00000000,
                            %00000010, %00000000,
                            %00000010, %00000000,
                            %01111111, %11110000,
                            %00000000, %00100000,
                            %00000000, %01000000,
                            %00000000, %10000000,
                            %00000001, %00000000,
                            %00000010, %00000000,
                            %00000110, %00000000,
                            %00001010, %00000000,
                            %00010010, %00000000,
                            %00100010, %00000000,
                            %01111111, %11110000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %01111111, %11110000,
                            %01000010, %00000000,
                            %01000010, %00000000,
                            %01000010, %00000000,
                            %01000010, %00000000,
                            %01000010, %00000000,
                            %01000010, %00000000,
                            %01000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %01111111, %11110000,
                            %01000010, %00010000,
                            %01000010, %00010000,
                            %01000010, %00010000,
                            %01000010, %00010000,
                            %01000010, %00010000,
                            %01000010, %00010000,
                            %01000000, %00010000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %01111111, %11110000,
                            %01000010, %00000000,
                            %01000010, %00000000,
                            %01000010, %00000000,
                            %01000010, %00000000,
                            %01000010, %00000000,
                            %01000010, %00000000,
                            %01000010, %00000000,
                            %00100101, %00000000,
                            %00011000, %11110000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %01101010, %11000100,
                            %01001010, %10101010,
                            %01001010, %10100010,
                            %01001110, %11000100,
                            %01001010, %10101000,
                            %01001010, %10101010,
                            %01000100, %11000100,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %00000000, %00000000,
                            %11111111, %11111111
    Dragon          DATA    %00000000, %00000000, %00011100, %00000000,
                            %00001101, %00000000, %00000101, %10000000,
                            %00000101, %10000000, %00001101, %10000000,
                            %00001101, %10000000, %00011011, %10000000,
                            %00111111, %10000000, %00101111, %10000000,
                            %00101111, %11000000, %00111111, %11100000,
                            %00111111, %11100000, %00011111, %11110000,
                            %00000111, %11111000, %00000001, %11111000,
                            %00011000, %11111100, %00111110, %01111100,
                            %01111111, %11111110, %01111111, %11111110,
                            %11111100, %01111110, %11111000, %11111110,
                            %11110001, %11111110, %11100011, %11111110,
                            %11100111, %11111110, %11001111, %11111100,
                            %10011111, %11111000, %10111111, %11110000,
                            %00111111, %11100000, %00111111, %11000000,
                            %00111111, %11000000, %00111111, %11000000,
                            %00011111, %11100000, %00001111, %11110000,
                            %00000111, %11111000, %00000011, %11111000,
                            %00000001, %11111100, %00011000, %11111100,
                            %00111110, %01111110, %01111111, %11111110,
                            %01111100, %11111110, %01111000, %01111110,
                            %01110000, %11111110, %01100001, %11111110,
                            %01100011, %11111110, %01000111, %11111100,
                            %01001111, %11111000, %00011111, %11110000,
                            %00111111, %11100000, %00111111, %11000000,
                            %00111111, %11000000, %00111111, %11000000,
                            %00011111, %11000000, %00001111, %11100000,
                            %00000111, %11110000, %00000011, %11111000,
                            %00000001, %11111100, %00001100, %11111100,
                            %00011111, %11111110, %00111110, %01111110,
                            %00111100, %01111110, %00111000, %01111110,
                            %00110000, %11111110, %00100001, %11111110,
                            %00100011, %11111110, %00000111, %11111100,
                            %00001111, %11111000, %00011111, %11110000,
                            %00011111, %11100000, %00011111, %11100000,
                            %00011111, %11100000, %00001111, %11100000,
                            %00000111, %11110000, %00000011, %11111000,
                            %00000001, %11111100, %00000000, %11111110,
                            %00000000, %01111110, %00000000, %01111110,
                            %00000000, %01111110, %00000000, %01111110,
                            %00000000, %11111110, %00000001, %11111110,
                            %00000011, %11111100, %00000111, %11111000,
                            %00011111, %11100000, %00011111, %11100000,
                            %00011111, %11100000, %00001111, %11100000,
                            %00000111, %11100000, %00000011, %11110000,
                            %00000001, %11111000, %00000000, %11111100,
                            %00000000, %01111100, %00000000, %01111100,
                            %00000000, %01111100, %00000000, %11111100,
                            %00000001, %11111000, %00000011, %11110000,
                            %00000111, %11100000, %00001111, %11000000,
                            %00001111, %11000000, %00000111, %11100000,
                            %00000011, %11110000, %00000001, %11110000,
                            %00000000, %11111000, %00000000, %11110000,
                            %00000001, %11100000, %00000011, %11000000,
                            %00000011, %11000000, %00000001, %10000000,
                            %00000001, %10000000, %00000000, %00000000
    ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]--------------------------------------------------
    HIGH VFD                                ' Initialize I/O Pin
    PAUSE 200                               ' Allow Time To Settle
    SEROUT VFD, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]$1B, $40, $0C]       ' Initialize Display
    PAUSE 500                               ' Allow Time To Settle
    ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Program Code ]----------------------------------------------------
      ' Write Screen Mode Select: 0=Display Screen, 1=All Screen
      SEROUT VFD, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]$1F, $28, $77, $10, $01]
      ' Specify Real-Time Bit-Image Display: 224 Pixels X 16 Pixels
      SEROUT VFD, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]$1F, $28, $66, $11, 224, 0, 02, 0, 1]
      FOR index = 0 TO 447
        READ ShaferLabs + index, dispData     ' EEPROM Data For Bitmap Display
        SEROUT VFD, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]dispData]        ' Write To VFD memory
      PAUSE 4000                            ' Wait 2 Second
      ' Scroll Display 112 Pixels Left
      SEROUT VFD, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]$1F, $28, $61, $10, 2, 0, 224, 0, 1]
      PAUSE 2000                            ' Allow Time To Complete
      SEROUT VFD, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]CLR]
      PAUSE 2500
      SEROUT VFD, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]" Loading Saved", CR, LF, "  Settings...."]      ' Wait for other stamp to initialize and load last position + look really cool!
      PAUSE 1500
      SEROUT VFD, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]CLR]

    ' This code runs on the satmp connected to the hall, zero, and direction sensors
    ' {$STAMP BS2}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}
    eeval   VAR     Word
    xctr    VAR     Word                                                                      ' Holds the #transitions on P8.
    xprev   VAR     Bit                                                                       ' Holds the previous state of P8.
    xcurr   VAR     Bit                                                                       ' Holds the current state of P8..
           xctr = 0                                                                           ' Initialize all variables.
           xcurr = IN8
           xprev = xcurr
           READ 1, Word xctr
           xcurr = IN8                                                                        ' Read input pins.
           IF (xcurr = 1) THEN
             HIGH 7                                                                           ' blink LED with the hall switch to indicate what's going on.
             LOW 7
           IF (IN9 = 1) THEN                                                                  ' detect dir of movement.
             xctr = xctr + (xcurr ^ xprev & xprev)                                            ' Calculate and add transitions only.
             xctr = xctr - (xcurr ^ xprev & xprev)                                            ' Calculate and subtract transitions only.
           xprev = xcurr                                                                      ' Update the 'prev' registers.
           SEROUT 1, 17197, [noparse][[/noparse]"XZ",SDEC xctr]
           IF (IN11 = 0) THEN Power_Down                                                      ' see if power has been removed and save position
           IF IN10 = 0 THEN START                                                             ' If P10 is grounded
           xctr = 0                                                                           ' then clear the count regisers.
           GOTO START                                                                         ' Repeat forever.
      READ 1, Word eeval                                                                      ' read eeprom
      IF (eeval = xctr) THEN                                                                  ' if eeprom matches curr position, then dont write
        PULSOUT 7, 200                                                                        ' indicate on LED that Power_Down has been executed
        GOTO Dont_Write
      ELSE                                                                                    ' else write position to eeprom
        WRITE 1, Word xctr
        PULSOUT 7, 200                                                                        ' indicate on LED that Power_Down has been executed
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