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Prop Graphics Demo — Parallax Forums

Prop Graphics Demo

Sachiel7Sachiel7 Posts: 41
edited 2007-03-14 04:28 in Propeller 1
Hi Guys,
So I've been working on the retrosys board some more and I'm trying to run the default graphics demo,
but I'm having some trouble getting the pin outs coded right.
I have my video connections off the prop on pins 24..27, with pin 24 using a 1.1k resistor, 25 using a 560, 26 a 220, and 27 using another 560
I've located that I must modify the tv_pins parameter in the program, but I'm having a bit of a problem understanding the pin_mode bits. Are they used to specify which pins out of the
pin_group range are used for what?
I'm starting to get the feeling that I didnt layout my circuit too well for the default drivers.

Anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks a bunch!



  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2007-03-14 04:14
    If you want to be able to leverage a lot of the software that has already been written you may want to alter the layout of your board a bit before getting a large batch of them made. You could either rewire it like the demo board or perhaps add a set of jumpers so it can be configured either way. If you want to test it on your prototype PCB just get out the exacto blade, cut a couple traces, and use some fine wire wrap wire to move them over to the new pins. If you have something else on those then it may need a bit more work.

    As they say they don't call them prototypes for nothing and often they have some electrical surgery to get them perfected before the final boards are done.

    Good luck,

  • Sachiel7Sachiel7 Posts: 41
    edited 2007-03-14 04:28
    Yeah, I was considering this board a prototype. I only had 2 made.
    I found that if I remove the resistors for pin 27 entirely, tv_pins mode 011_0000 works just fine.
    I'm only using composite output, so the offset for the aural or chorma messed with it a bit.
    Hey, for using Radioshack ol'fashioned 1/4 watt resistors (in series to get close to the desired values) it looks great.
    I've got the graphics demo and the graphics palette demo up and running.
    Check the boards in about a week and I hope to have an update to the retrosys thread with pics and maybe some code.


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