Need Photoresistor Help
Will· photoresistor activity 5 in the Robotics with the Boe Bot manual work with an ordinary
0.01 ufd capacitor or does it have to be a Parallax capacitor ?
Also what is the average maxium range of a·photoresistor ?
0.01 ufd capacitor or does it have to be a Parallax capacitor ?
Also what is the average maxium range of a·photoresistor ?
The capacitor value will affect the RCTIME values, but it doesn’t have to be our brand. As for range, a CdS photocell doesn’t work like that…There is no range per se…It’s resistance is affected by the amount of light hitting the surface. Since that could be the sun I guess you could say the range is 93 million miles! Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 3/17/2007 6:34:13 PM GMT
Photoresistors are already pretty sensitive. You just have to measure the low light and high resistance end of the resistance/light curve rather than the high light and low resistance end. You do this by using smaller capacitors and longer RC times. You can use a pot (or a fixed resistor) in parallel with the photoresistor to emphasize (and possibly make easier to measure) a particular range of resistance, but it won't make the photoresistor more sensitive.
Alternative measuring devices include which outputs a pulse train whose frequency depends on the light level. Look at some of the articles with links on this page. Perhaps this might work better for you.