Problems Getting the eb500 to talk to any BASIC Stamp other than BS2
Ray Hill
Posts: 10
I've successfully communicated from 1 eb500 to another eb500 using BS2's. I'm now trying to use a BS2e and having no success.
I've swapped between a BS2, a BS2p40 and a BS2e.
I'm placing each Stamp on the breadboard so that I can leave my RS232, VSS, VDD, and eb500 jumpers in place. (Tying to make sure I'm not introducing a wiring mistake.)
When using the BS2 and the BS2e I use a Baudmode of 84 and for the BS2p I set Baudmode to 240.
I've sent various eb500 commands, like "get address". I get my expected "ACK", CR on the BS2, but not on the BS2e or BSp.
I've used SERIN 0, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]RxChar] and I never get a single Byte from the eb500.
Program listing attached
Any known problems or suggestions?
I've swapped between a BS2, a BS2p40 and a BS2e.
I'm placing each Stamp on the breadboard so that I can leave my RS232, VSS, VDD, and eb500 jumpers in place. (Tying to make sure I'm not introducing a wiring mistake.)
When using the BS2 and the BS2e I use a Baudmode of 84 and for the BS2p I set Baudmode to 240.
I've sent various eb500 commands, like "get address". I get my expected "ACK", CR on the BS2, but not on the BS2e or BSp.
I've used SERIN 0, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]RxChar] and I never get a single Byte from the eb500.
Program listing attached
Any known problems or suggestions?
In my haste to reply to your e-mail I quickly connected my BS2/BOE up with an EB500 and tested it with the “Get Address” code. As expected it worked. I then connected my BS2e and tried the same code. Surprised it didn’t work I grabbed the BS2p module and changed the baud rate parameter and tried it. Nothing. Now, the reason it didn’t work was apparent once the smoke started pouring from the module. Lesson to be learned…Never do anything in haste…I used one of our Wall Adapters which are unregulated currently…The output voltage driving only the BS2 and EB500 was too high and damaged the module by the time I tested the BS2e and BS2p. After replacing the EB500 and using a regulated P/S I was able to identify using all modules. I hope this helps…Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Thnks for responses. It's obviously me or my breadboard set up. I'll keep looking.
Chris, sorry about your fried mods, but thanks for the look at other Stamps.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
On a more serious note, a good tip about the unregulated supplies, I think this has caused me to fry a component or two and I never did know what happened.
Thanks chris!