LCD Terminal AppMod wiring
Can anyone tell me where to find a wiring diagram for this unit (#29121)
The PDF documentation or circuit board does not show where pin 1 is on the 20 pin header.
Any help is· appreciated
The PDF documentation or circuit board does not show where pin 1 is on the 20 pin header.
Any help is· appreciated
While there isn’t really a detailed diagram of the LCD AppMod it is easy to figure out by comparing the connector to the Board Of Education AppMod connecter. The AppMod only goes in one way so the mounting hole will line up. Once you have it oriented the correct way you can see which connections are made with the BOE. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I was planning on using with the super carrier-so I guess It will hang off edge of board until I can puchase extra 20 pin connectors & re-locate-thanks!
Mike DeFalco
Okay, on the Super Carrier Board the AppMod would hang off the bottom of the board but you can use that for reference as well. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support