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playstation controller sx helper — Parallax Forums

playstation controller sx helper

OwenOwen Posts: 100
edited 2007-03-13 10:22 in Propeller 1
I'm trying to build a playstation controller interface according the the nuts & volts article:

I have built up and programed the sx chip from the articles code, but cant seem to get it to work with my propellar. the only thing I changed in the sx code was setting the serial IO pin that goes to the propellar to cmos level and put a 1k resistor in series with the props pin. Am I missing something, is there anything else that would need to be done in order to interface the sx and prop?

i'm using full duplex serial (15,15,%1100,38400) to talk to the sx chip. Is it ok to use the same pin for TX and RX with full duplex serial? or do I need to use a one wire serial object?

the sx chip is programed to talk to the basic stamp so the serial line is inverted. Is %1100 a corect setting for full duplex serial?

I would try to write my own program in SXB to talk directly to the propellar with both TX and RX pins if I knew anything about programing SX chips (maybe in the future) so for now i'm stuck using the code from the article.

has anyone built this interface and maybe has a spin test program for it?



  • CJCJ Posts: 470
    edited 2007-03-11 18:35
    I have not used any bidirectional serial with the prop, but I have actually used the PS controller directly with a propeller. if you're interested I could dig up the code for it if you.

    Parallax Forums - If you're ready to learn, we're ready to help.

    Post Edited (CJ) : 3/11/2007 6:58:00 PM GMT
  • OwenOwen Posts: 100
    edited 2007-03-11 19:10
    code to directly interface would be great! I want to use the sx chip as an interpreter between the PSX controller and the prop to reduce io lines but atleast with direcconection I can confirm my controller works. Do you have a conection diagram?

  • CJCJ Posts: 470
    edited 2007-03-11 19:36
    it uses a cog to update the controller data regularly
    the connection diagram is included in the object.

    please note that the pins are based on the console side connector the controller plugs into

    Parallax Forums - If you're ready to learn, we're ready to help.
  • mahjonggmahjongg Posts: 141
    edited 2007-03-11 23:42
    Funny, I was also thinking about designing a playstation interface for the Hydra, and earlier today AndreL told me (in the Hydra forum) that it was possible to find a playstation controller connector at lynxmotion, so I Googled for it, and here is the info:

    These is also some protocol information to be found there, but not as complete as the nuts and volts article.

    I guess I don't need to bother to design one now anymore smile.gif .


    p.s. The tread I was talking about is the " HYDRA SRAM CARD COMMING SOON..." thread.

    Post Edited (mahjongg) : 3/11/2007 11:46:54 PM GMT
  • CJCJ Posts: 470
    edited 2007-03-12 00:18
    maybe I should clean it up real good and submit it to the object exchange

    Parallax Forums - If you're ready to learn, we're ready to help.
  • OwenOwen Posts: 100
    edited 2007-03-12 07:35
    Thanks for the code!
    it's working great for me and I think it would be a good addition to the object exchange

  • CJCJ Posts: 470
    edited 2007-03-12 10:04
    good to hear

    Parallax Forums - If you're ready to learn, we're ready to help.
  • Stan671Stan671 Posts: 103
    edited 2007-03-13 03:58
    I cannot believe the perfect timing of this thread.· I just ordered on of those wireless PS2 controllers amd interface cables from Lynxmotion and was beginning work on a method to support it.· Thank you, CJ, for the code to get me started.· This forum is GREAT!

    Stan Dobrowski
  • CJCJ Posts: 470
    edited 2007-03-13 10:22
    I have not yet been able to get it to work with a wireless controller reliably, wired is rock solid. it may have to do with the clock speed being low, I will probably recode it in asm to see if the speed is the issue

    if it works, please let me know so I can list it as a tested model

    Parallax Forums - If you're ready to learn, we're ready to help.
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