Robot charging station
Heres some photos of my new robot charging station.(this also powers my hobby shop).I am going to be adding more solar as I can afford it.
Thank's Brian
·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein
Thank's Brian
·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein

I'm working on a project close to your a prop super-bot i just recevied my prop dev board a few weeks back , my first super bot use a bs2p40&Bs2p24 i didnt want to brake it down to use the prop so stated to construct a totaly new bot with the prop dev board (dreaming of a two prop syatem).
?. can you post your hb-25/ping romming code as seen on U-tube Demo . I new to spin and this would make a good getting stated example .
may be later i could send you more info on my project ideas .
ie. four pings
six I/R rangers
xbee como
i/p cam
cucam2+ for tracking
temp humidity
lcd display
and two arms using five stepper motoers each
two hb-25 (not sure on using two wheel or four wheel drive system
this should be able to carry a 150lbs to 200lbs payload ( or beable to pull the same payload)
and thats just for starters there are a few more items left to add.
so anyHelp getting wint this prop would br great
thanks al-spider
·Sounds like your building the match to my robot, I'm working on making the ping look back and forth now, will be adding a cmu-cam , xbee, gps and lcd as I go. Will be happy to share code with you. :- )
p.s I'll post the code for the ping roaming when I get to my other computer.
Thank's Brian
·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein
Thank's Brian
·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein
Post Edited (Brian Beckius) : 3/11/2007 7:01:56 PM GMT
Does any body know of a good source for batteries for solar/wind . I grabed some truck batteries from the shop ( I know your not suppose to use normal 12 volts) . They seem to get harder to recharge every day .
Thank's Brian
·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein
The best type of lead-acid battery for solar/wind is a deep discharge sealed type. Optima makes a variety of such batteries and Batteries Plus does sell them and has outlets all over. I've used their starter batteries (red-top) for my car and have been pleased with it. I've also used their deep discharge batteries (blue-top) for running an inverter and low voltage lights where it would be charged up once a week from an AC charger or a wind turbine, then run all week with a low current load and briefly with a high current load. Worked well.
Starter type batteries are simply not designed for this kind of use (and don't work well at it).
Thank's Brian
·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein