balancing skateboard
is it possible to build something like this
with a basic stamp2, 2 ping modules, and a motor mind B?
with a basic stamp2, 2 ping modules, and a motor mind B?
Bruce Bates
You might get by with a level sensing chip, an 2 or 3 axis accelerometer. 400watts might be done with the HB25 motor controller if you use a 12volt motor, they use 24 volt.· Of course you wouldn't need 1/2 of it as you would only be controlling one motor.
It would be nice to have some sort of dynamic braking that recharges the batteries while slowing you down on a downhill run.· Maybe a magnetic clutch acting as a drag.
"If you want more fiber, eat the package.· Not enough?· Eat the manual."········
i assumed i could use the ping sensors to detect how low to the ground either side of the board was like the balancing BOE BOT that someone on here made but i guess the axis accelerometers would be better
or would the ping sensors be better?
thanks again
Bruce Bates
there one his first balancing skateboard it uses a ping sensor
Just measuring equal distance from the ground does not deal with uphill and downhill slopes. The rider needs to feel that level is stationary. Apparently the HB25 is good for only one 12 volt motor if both directions are controlled. So it is a useful fit. AS mentioned, ultrasonics will vary quite a bit on a day-to-day basis due to changes in the weather and such.
I am still quite curious about if the HB25 would actually allow the batteries to charge on a downhill run OR merely brake. I wouldn't expect anything too steep.· Having the batteries charge on downhill runs would really add a lot to the setup.
"If you want more fiber, eat the package.· Not enough?· Eat the manual."········
Post Edited (Kramer) : 3/11/2007 5:08:54 PM GMT
My two cents,
there was a new balancing skate board posted on hackaday yesterday that was a cheapo one that used 2 battery powered drills as motors
looked pretty cheap but i didnt understand how it would turn
by the way i am probably gonna build some type of balancing skateboard and my friend said hed split the price with me [noparse]:)[/noparse]
on the HB25 does that just run off the basic stamp power?
so i wouldn't need any lead acid or any kind of high power battery?
or do i?
and also would it be better to just use a relay to balance the board?
or is the HB25 a better method
- Stephen
Team K.I.S.S
Build Safe, Build Mean, Build Strong!
My 2 cents
i dont think i will be adding anything this complex any time soon but maybe sometime in the future
except for they are no hills where i live
i have hooked up a motor from ebay to the HB25 and i have an accelerometer measuring the tilt of the leaning but i am having some problems with my coding
i took the sample code from nuts and volts magazine for the accelerometer and tried to add the coding to control the motor
i got the motor to ramp up slowly to full speed and then stay there but i want to be able the slow down and turn off the motor when the angle reaches something like -2
when ever i add something like
IF xTilt < -2 THEN StopMotor
the motor just does crazy stuff and never ramps up to full speed
here is my code so far
i hope i have provided enough information for somebody here to help me
thanks in advance
I didn't see anyplace in your program like GOSUB StopMotor, but assuming that it got there, there is the problem·that "counter" starts at 250.· The problem is that if/when your speed/PULSOUT counter·<·250 when you need to start your deceleration: it goes to StopMotor whereupon, chock-a-block,·you're·hitting it·with full-speed (which'd likely knock your socks off.)· Yes?· So, whatever the speed/value is, at the instant deceleration is needed, is where the deceleration counter should start at.
Update -- Are you supposed to PULSOUT the HB25 or PWM it?· Either way, same point.
Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 4/9/2007 1:57:21 AM GMT
Hope you get this working - great project!
but what JohnBF is saying would make sense because of all the calculations and formulas used to get a tilt angle a lot of ABS commands are used and many negative numbers are made absolute value
thanks John and Allen for the help
and thanks John for the encouragement
Problems are the "roads" of life,
solutions are only "onramps" to the next problem
············································· "Brad Smith"
Dimension engineering has regenerative motor controllers, nice easy R/C 'type' inputs, really quite nice!
The Mesmic accelerometer is one heck of a nice piece of work, other than the motor, it's almost all off the shelf
components with pre-written 'objects' from parallax.....
I'm waiting for kids to born with the 3 pin connector, program them like a servo....750 750 750! (stop, get it!)....