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BS2 and cameras

AllengatorAllengator Posts: 1
edited 2007-03-09 16:46 in Learn with BlocklyProp
I am working on a project for a college class, and I was wondering about interfacing a digital camera with the BS2.· What we want to accomplish is taking photographs from space and to be able to snap a photo every minute or so and save it onto an SD card that resides in the camera, which should last for around 3-5 hours.· A couple of resources I found uses RC controllers and more telemetry-type things, but I just want a basic system.· The questions I have are:
  1. Based on experience, what would be the best way of hacking into a camera to interface it into a circuit?
  2. What type of code should we use?· I was thinking PULSOUT or possibly something with a simple HIGH·PIN x·command with a Sleep inbetween shots.· I'm open to any suggestions.
  3. Is there a type of camera you would recommend?

When the project is over, I will post some links about it on here.· It is really exciting and fun, as well as plenty of basic stamp interfacing in it too!· I appreciate any and all comments!


  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2007-03-07 03:36
    I would choose a camera that has IR remote capabilities. That way you can avoid the necessity of a mechanical button presser and the extra weight it entails. But be sure that, if the camera goes into sleep mode, you can wake it up using just the IR.

  • azmax100azmax100 Posts: 173
    edited 2007-03-07 04:53

    U can refer· to this if u want to hack your Camera.

    Hope this will help.
  • UDCUDC Posts: 11
    edited 2007-03-09 15:08
    Hi, from my experience (though limited) you will find it difficult to directly hack a camera. Timing and wire length/size are major issues. One of the easiest ways to control doesn't use a Stamp (sorry) , the Canon TC-80N3 does a very good job with compatible cameras. One of the concerns with whether to use the TC or a Stamp are length of interval, in my case I need a minimum of 4 hours between shots and the camera, a Konica Minolta A2, would go to sleep and required major engineering to wake up remotely. So we are using the Stamp and ·advice from this column·to control power to the camera and activate the remote via relays. We mechanically hold down the power on button.

    Using a BS2 and a Pocket Watch B we set the time, set the alarm interval and based on that turn on the power relay, let the camera warm up, take a shot, let the camera write to compact flash, turn off the camera and wait to do it again. Simple, uh? Wish it was so ... we thought everything was working fine, except for some minor timing and power issues when the circuit started acting erratic. So may be posting my own help message soon ... ;-)

    Anyhow, it should work and I can post my schematic and code if you like. Couple things to think about camera wise; Physical Size, Type of Remote used, Memory card/ FAT type ( we went for CFII, FAT 32), Can you control Sleep Mode, Image Resolution, and remember by the time you figure all that out and decide on a camera .... it may be obsolete (try finding a new A2 ...·Konica went out of the camera business 6 months after we designed around their camera!) They also stopped making the Pocket Watch B, so I have to learn the DS1302 after I get the original circuit working ... doesn't sound like it, but it is fun and the people here are a GREAT help. If I have been or can be of more let me know.

  • UDCUDC Posts: 11
    edited 2007-03-09 16:46
    BTW, my circuit and code have been posted in the BASIC Stamp Forum ... my own plea for help ..
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