SumoBot and Ping Sensor
Does anyone have any sample code that uses qti line sensors and Ping Sensors to locate their opponent?
·I have started writing the code but I am having trouble implementing the Ping sensors into it.
Thanks, Rick.

·I have started writing the code but I am having trouble implementing the Ping sensors into it.

Thanks, Rick.
Could you post what you have so far?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I like the fact of using subroutines to run the program.· I am looking for a way to take a distance less than 24 inches to set a bit to a 1 then use the statement if X = 1 then gosub forward (just an example),· This would be added to the main routine area.·· I am having trouble with the lookup or lookdown to change a number that is greater than 24 to 0 and less than or equal to 24 to a 1.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support