External crystal/resonators on SX tech board
The SX tech kit comes with two little three legged doohickies. Where are these documented?
I want ultimately to make a free standing device with an Sx28 and a 32 Khz watch type crystal. Where is this documented?
I want ultimately to make a free standing device with an Sx28 and a 32 Khz watch type crystal. Where is this documented?
If you don't need exact timing the SX can run at 32KHz, 128KHz, 1MHz and 4MHz from it's internal oscillator.
If you DO need exact timing then the SX can be run from a 32.768 KHz watch xtal. You will probably need a capacitor on each side of the xtal to ground to get it to work properly.
Cheap used 4-digit LED display with driver IC·www.hc4led.com
Low power SD Data Logger www.sddatalogger.com
SX-Video Display Modules www.sxvm.com
Coming soon! Propeller based OSD module www.hittconsulting.com
Just to be clear, when Bean says if you DO need exact timing, one of the most common things he is referring to is asynchronous communication, such as RS-232. If your standalone device needs to communicate serially, it will need an external clock, crystal or resonator.