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vga progect to replaced outdated equipment(cirus locigc chip and 386 micro cont — Parallax Forums

vga progect to replaced outdated equipment(cirus locigc chip and 386 micro cont

mike goettlingmike goettling Posts: 31
edited 2007-03-01 17:31 in Propeller 1
I am doing an evaluation of the propeller chip for our company. This will be a product that takes serial data and converts to a vga text output 80 char by 24-30char. We currently use a unit designed about 10 years ago using a 386 microcontroller and a cirrus logic vga chip. This would be a perfect replacement for this board. If it works I would guess we would use 400 to 600 chip per year. If I get it to also work with tv also that would be even more per year. With that said here is my problem. I am limited on time. I have got it to work with are system using High-Res Text Driver v1.0 works great except for color. I have to be able to change the color of each character not per line. The vga driver will do this but I can’t get it to 80 characters. First how far can you push the vga driver for resolution. Would it handle 1024/768?·· Second can it point to a different character set of smaller tile size?
I am having problems figuring it out due to lack of knowledge. I am just needing a good push in the right direction or some contracting assistance. with that said any help is appreciated. it has been over 15 years since i programed assymbly with the motrola hc811.


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-03-01 04:16
    Chip had experimented with a series of VGA drivers that provided tiled graphics (and text) in varying resolutions using a 16 x 16 pixel tile. There was one that I use now that did 64 columns x 24 rows and 1024 x 768 pixel resolution. Each tile can have one of 64 sets of 4 colors. For text you have foreground and background only, but any one of 64 combinations of foreground and background.

    The 1280 x 1024 pixel resolution driver will provide 80 x 32 text. It requires 4 cogs, but that leaves plenty for a full duplex serial driver and a control routine (6 out of 8 cogs). The link is

    The 1024 x 768 driver is here

    You could actually provide simultaneous VGA and TV outputs with the TV limited to 40 x 13 (due to basic limitations in NTSC video). The FullDuplexSerial driver is included with the Propeller Tool. With these two drivers, all your coding could be in Spin.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-03-01 04:25
    The main reason for a 16 x 16 tile is that there's a really nice 16 x 32 or 16 x 16 font in ROM in the Propeller. You could certainly use an 8 x 16 font if you supplied it yourself. The main reason for the multiples of 8 is that it fits better with the video hardware in the Propeller.

    You could probably prototype something in a few hours given the VGA, TV, and serial drivers.
  • mike goettlingmike goettling Posts: 31
    edited 2007-03-01 17:31
    i will try the 1280*1024 driver. that may do what i need.
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