PWM with H Bridge
Hi all.
Just a question to make sure.
Is it posible to control·the speed of a motor with H bridge·by using·PWM or just use Hi/Low command?
Thanks for the answer.
Just a question to make sure.
Is it posible to control·the speed of a motor with H bridge·by using·PWM or just use Hi/Low command?
Thanks for the answer.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Thanks for the reply.
Phipi said :"Yes, it's possible, if the H-bridge IC you're using has an enable input. ST Micro's L6203 is an example."
How about if I use this(attached Photo) H Bridge. It use L298. can i send PWM to this H bridge to control the speed. I try to get the Hb25 but it seem too expensive here in my place.(USD 160 for 2).
I'm stuck here for my robotic project.·I·don't want to use servo cause it's too slow.
Thanks·in advance for your answer.
Like this:
Input 1
Input 2
Post Edited (legiondttm) : 3/29/2007 10:59:58 PM GMT
Post Edited (TChapman) : 3/30/2007 3:55:01 AM GMT
In sum, H-bridges [noparse][[/noparse]when properly designed and matched to the motor] will usually take full on; full off; or pulses.
IT depends on what you want.
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