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Strange Prop ProtoBoard problem — Parallax Forums

Strange Prop ProtoBoard problem

HarleyHarley Posts: 997
edited 2007-02-28 23:58 in Propeller 1
I have a design which uses two Propellers. Initially last year I used solderless breadboarding to set up part of the design. It interfaces to some TTL logic. I use a TV monitor to view various Prop 'register' usage and serial input.

When the Propeller ProtoBoard became available I ordered several and am beginning to set one up with a 40-pin DIP Prop and its own EEPROM for the 2-Prop program. The first s/w demo I ran on it was the Dscope 'logic analyzer'. Which ran fine. I also am using another ProtoBoard for Dscope use, which runs fine too; so does the solderless breadboard.

Now the weird part. The original breadboard works fine with the 2-Prop program. So does the 2nd ProtoBoard work with the 2-prop program. But the first ProtoBoard I have added parts to for the 2-Prop doesn't display anything except for a initial flash of some junk. Doesn't even look like any textual stuff; unless it is just running once through a loop, then quits. By the way, none of the sockets for the second Prop or EEPROM are connected yet.

By the way, I'm using the first Prop to generate a 5 MHz for the 2nd Prop and that signal appears to be running in its own cog OK.

I can download (F11) the same 2-Prop program to all three, but the board I'd planned to use doesn't display anything after the initial flash of light on the screen.

Does anyone have a clue what could be wrong and where to check for this problem? It's got me buffaloed! freaked.gif

Harley Shanko
h.a.s. designn


  • HarleyHarley Posts: 997
    edited 2007-02-28 19:34
    Measured the input current to the two ProtoBoards. Measures about 77 ma for both boards.

    Is that normal for PLL16x, one cog used to generate 5 MHz, and two FullDuplexSerial channels (no signals in or out)?_____

    Sure doesn't make sense to me that one Prop doesn't output proper video.

    Harley Shanko
    h.a.s. designn
  • HarleyHarley Posts: 997
    edited 2007-02-28 19:46
    Even swapped the crystals.

    Still ProtoBoard #1 is bad, but #2 works!! cry.gifshocked.gif

    Harley Shanko
    h.a.s. designn
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2007-02-28 20:03
    If I understand correctly: at first one protoboard doesn't work, then you switch them around and the other doesn't work, then there is an error, likely from your clock generation, have you tied the grounds together?

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 2/28/2007 9:25:15 PM GMT
  • HarleyHarley Posts: 997
    edited 2007-02-28 21:57
    Think I've found the problem. yeah.gif

    Was running my fingers around the Props tie-points and the program started. Must be an input floating differently on one ProtoBoard than the other, where #2 always started, yet #1 didn't (not without touching those pads around the Prop/EEPROM/crystal/reset switch area.

    So, now to investigate which input(s) might be the culprit. Thanks Paul for the reply.

    Harley Shanko
    h.a.s. designn
  • HarleyHarley Posts: 997
    edited 2007-02-28 23:58
    Found the 'weird' situation.

    The two Props uses FullDuplexSerial to communicate w/each other. Apparently on ProtoBoard #2, that line being open, appeared at a high level. But Prop #1 must have appeared at a low level and hung it up. (A24 was the Rx input pin.)

    A simple pull-up R on A24 now lets it always initialize and run properly. Ah, YES, CMOS can do that to you, whereas TTL usually appears high if open!

    Case closed. Another lesson learned; a circuit not completely and properly interfaced MAY not work properly!

    Harley Shanko
    h.a.s. designn
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