Code Archives
Can a form of Code Archives be added to the forums?
A repository for code snipets if you will. This way we have a place to go and learn or contribute.
A repository for code snipets if you will. This way we have a place to go and learn or contribute.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Post Edited (SailerMan) : 3/2/2007 5:01:00 PM GMT
My current workaround is to use my "bookmarks" (I use Firefox, use "Favorites" for IE). I have an "Electronics" folder, and in there several folders, including one for Parallax. In the Parallax (or other folders like Robotics) I have shortcuts saved to various threads.
Not an elegant solution, as some of the folders get a fair number of entries, but it "beats a poke in the eye with a sharp stick".
I think one of the problems with a FAQ, or the Code Snipets, is who determines what should be included, and who keeps it current. One user may think having an example of an "If" test would be the most important code snipet, other users may think that something like that has no place in a collection of "clever solutions". Parallax employees are probably in the best positions to make these judgment calls, but it's an open invitation to two problems. One is that no matter what they do, someone will be unhappy. The other is that any time they spend on something like this is time not spent doing other tasks, including answering questions on the forum. The only way this makes sense for them is if, by having such resources, they would save time by being able to point a substantial number of users to these resources, either here on the forums, or with the other support channels (phone and e-mail).
I also believe that any resources that might be available are not going to be saying much until after the new web site rolls out this week. Who knows what surprises we will see then.
Someone from Parallax: Is Jim (the IT guy) getting any sleep the past couple weeks? I forget, is "D-Day" March 1st, or this weekend?
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
Parallax IT Dept.
I think the Oject Exchange is a great format. The potential "gotcha" is how to categorize things. The one "problem" I've had with the object exchange is that not all users put stuff in the "right" category(ies), and it can be fun to find things. The entry information and description is only as good as the contributor makes it. But then this is the nature of user contributed content.
Some type of "User Rating" system would also be nice, especially when there is more than one "version" (not time based version, but different authors) that could do the same job. Obviously, some versions would be "better" than others, or a user may prefer a Spin version over an Assembly version so that they can modify and learn from the code (object exchange in this specific case) even though performance might not be as good.
Just idle thoughts while I wait for a process to run down...
Jim: How's the web site kick of comming? Is tonight the night?
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
I was thinking along the lines of breaking it down into Categories like
Math and Algorithms
Stuff for the Beginner
Advanced Code
SX/B Code
SX Assembly Code
I'm just tossing these Around. But It's important to have different categories. Also Comments and Questions about the code should be allowed but the source Code is always at the top.
Thanks for thinking about doing this.
As for specific categories, two classification systems come to mind. One is based on functionality - something like the categories in the Propeller Object Exchange. The other is based on language. Seperate collections for SX assembler, SX/B, PBasic, etc....
Parallax IT Dept.
In order to be useful, I think you'll need both types of categories, and the ability to search/filter based on either one or both.
For example, if I'm working with an SX, and want to find some code on using the RFID reader, a user might start by looking for SX/B code for the RFID Reader. Then if they didn't find any, they could try SX Assembler if they were up to it, or look at PBasic and try to adapt it.
As the collection grows, this sorting/filtering will become more important. Just thinking about something like RFID, you potentially have code to just read a tag, code to compare a tag to a short list, code to send a tag to a PC for a lookup and get a return, code to send a tag to PC and not get a return, code to activate an external device on success, etc, etc. Having to pick through all of this (and possibly a number of contributions for each), as well as the various languages might start to make things a bit hard to use. Adding the language filter would help things out quite a bit.
Obviously (at least to me), just having a language filter wouldn't be much use either. Scrolling through hundreds on entries trying to find the one that reads an PIR and PING at the same time might be a bit of a pain.
I think you meant having both available, just making sure.
As far as the category bug, could it be as "simple" as making a category a "required" field.
For user comments, it might be a good idea if these were moderated. I can see having the need for rankings and comments. This would be especially handy for instances where there are multiple choices. It's also a good way to know what you are getting. While I have no problem seeing "bad" code posted, and with low scores (even an "F"), I wouldn't want to see a scathing comment tearing some kids (or adults) code to threads. It may be truely horrible code, but "someone" thought enough of it to post, and while I'm not big into the "everyone's a winner" and all that "build up their self esteme" crud, I'm not into public embarrasment and ridicule either.
Possibly having a way to submit follow up code, i.e. improvements, adaptations, etc., on a common "thread" could also be useful, both for the initial author, and for submissions by others. This would allow kind of an "open source" concept of evolution and development, as well as selection of a "feature set" that fits your needs. For example in the Propeller Objects, there is at least one adaptation of FullDuplexSerial. Having a "chain" of FullDuplex objects, with various features, might be usefull. Once you find the base object, you can select the specific version with the features you need. It could also provide a more direct path to "better" code in the case of a "poorly written" initial submission.
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log