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Servo / Encoder Code Help — Parallax Forums

Servo / Encoder Code Help

epinehepineh Posts: 14
edited 2007-02-27 04:23 in Propeller 1
I am trying to get a servo system working with a prop chip, for machine control, I am basing my setup on this site :

I have the encoder object which will take encoder pulses, I need to make the code to take care of the PID side of things, and work with the encoder object. ·The above site has code listed for an AVR, it is a working system, I just feel the Prop will have a lot more to offer from the overall machine side of things.

Any advice would be appreciated, I am not really much of a coder, I was planning to try·port the AVR assembler to the prop, get it working and build features from there.

I am going open source with this, and I can say there will be HUGE interest from DIY types, mainly on CNCzone.· There is·a controller based on the elm-chan site on CNCzone, based on an AVR·which has a huge following, to me the Prop will have many advantages over the AVR and I would like to see it implemented.

I guess what I am after is advice on what approach I should take, code examples, etc.



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