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Into cellular automata? Try Propeller Life! — Parallax Forums

Into cellular automata? Try Propeller Life!

tallykentallyken Posts: 7
edited 2007-02-28 23:42 in Propeller 1
I'm sure the world doesn't need another Game of Life, but the Prop does a pretty fair job. You'll need a VGA screen + mouse.


  • IbsenIbsen Posts: 68
    edited 2007-02-26 23:07
    How about posting a sample video for us who are not up and running yet ???





    " It's nice to be important, but
    ·· more important to be nice... "
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    edited 2007-02-27 21:35

    I don't know much about the history of the·"life" game, but your program is very nice. For those who haven't run it, it's a complete application that uses a mouse and VGA to show some 'cellular automata' (is that right?). It has a clean, tight feeling about it that reminds me of how computers USED to be, and hopefully will be someday, again. I suppose there are other such apps posted in the forum, but I tried this one out because it just used the demo board and was easy to run.


    Chip Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
  • tallykentallyken Posts: 7
    edited 2007-02-27 22:05
    Hi Chip,
    Thank you for the kind words. John Conway's Game of Life has been my "hello world" for years when learning a new micro, going back to the 6800. The Propeller blew me away when I converted the generator cog from Spin to assembler - just try the Propeller Life Turbo button! Now to continue fitting a SD card to the demo board (thanks rokicki).
  • RobotWorkshopRobotWorkshop Posts: 2,307
    edited 2007-02-27 22:40
    I'll have to try this out soon. I built a Hardware version of life and have hanging up on the wall. It's a very cool and relaxing display. The one I built was from:

  • tallykentallyken Posts: 7
    edited 2007-02-27 23:11
    Hi Robert,
    Great link - thanks! Good info on Conway - I heard about him for the first time from the Scientific American article by Martin Gardener many (too many) years ago.
  • rokickirokicki Posts: 1,000
    edited 2007-02-27 23:17
    I too have spent way too much time on Conway's Life.

    Check out golly: that was written by me and a friend of mine.

    I'll have to try out this new propeller Life when I get home. I can stare at this
    stuff for hours.
  • parts-man73parts-man73 Posts: 830
    edited 2007-02-28 01:56
    Is it possible to have an "Application" repository? It's be nice to have some ready made programs, in one central place that you could download to show the abilities of the Prop. I know, there's a group of demo's that is part of the Propeller Tool installation.

    Just my opinion, but I would like to see an exchange like this, once in a while we see a gem like this, but if some don't watch the forums regularly, you'd miss it. A week or 2 from now, this thread will be buried in the forum.

    Or perhaps I could lend some of my unused server space and host it myself. But what domain name to create for it!? ?

    Brian Meade

    "They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night" - Edgar Poe
  • tallykentallyken Posts: 7
    edited 2007-02-28 14:11
    Hi rokicki,
    Just visited - - AWEsome! you are lifeyears ahead of me in the Game of Life. I'm doing a little UI thing to front your excellent fsrw.spin code now that I have an SD card on the demo board, and will report in that thread soon.
  • Stan671Stan671 Posts: 103
    edited 2007-02-28 21:20
    The Propeller Object Exchange is no secret:

    Stan Dobrowski
  • tallykentallyken Posts: 7
    edited 2007-02-28 21:57
    Hi Stan,
    Just uploaded to The Propeller Object Exchange (shoulda gone there in the first place, darn Prop newbies!)
  • parts-man73parts-man73 Posts: 830
    edited 2007-02-28 23:42
    I was under the impression that the "Object Exchange" was for Objects, and this really isn't an object, it is an application.

    What I was trying to say is, it'd be nice for a place for Applications and Demos, and keep the Object exchange for objects.

    Brian Meade

    "They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night" - Edgar Poe
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