LCD Display durability
Posts: 43
I was thinking about a project that would involve mounting a color lcd display, something small in the area of 2" x 2" onto a piston that would drive the screen up and down at something like 30 times per second.· Do you think a project like this would be feasible?
The first car radios were vacumn tube and vibration played havoc with the filaments and plates inside the tubes. As you can see, car radios are doing fine these day.
In other words, if you securely mount the device and the wires going into it -- it would probably work fine. Our whole space program flourished on the transistion to solidstate and many of the devices are made for withstanding abuses that they will never encounter.
I would use a ribbon cable with extra slack and both ends quite secure.
Is this some kind of pop advertising? Or a game?
"If you want more fiber, eat the package.· Not enough?· Eat the manual."········
A while·back I had a go at the early release of OLED displays, and found them to be rather sensitive to "burn in". Leaving the display set to a static picture for a weekend caused a permanent shadow (reduction in brightness) on the activated cells on the screen.
I wonder if the newer color OLEDs exhibit this problem......
Peter (pjv)
GreenGiant83: They're something like $30 -$70 at Sparkfun. ( They have a serial interface and somebody has written a Propeller object for it that is available on the object exchange. If you try one out, let me know how it goes - I've been wanting to get one for ages now for a handheld Propeller "gameboy" project I made plans for, but other projects got in the way.