Propeller Books
I have been reading my prop manual and andre's excellent book quite a lot lately mainly for reference and I wondered if any other propeller books are in progress and what topics they cover i.e. a WAM book that uses props or an assembly tutorial book akin to Gunther Daubach's work with SX's.
Also if there are any in the pipeline are there any lead times available. I need more info
Also if there are any in the pipeline are there any lead times available. I need more info

Other than that, I don't think there are any books in production.
I am working on the first Propeller book to be printed by Parallax. I just finished the PSoC book and started the Propeller book when my wofe was diagnosed with bone marraow cancer. She is doing well but I've lost time to attend doctors appointments and do some additional chores around hone before and after work.
I will be working full time on the Propeller book in the next two weeks with a release date in June. This book will be available from Parallax as they will be printing it.
There will be more goodies coming from me utilizing the Propeller before years end. Sorry for the delay but the end reslt will be worth the wait.
I'll be at Parallax the week of the embedded systems conference, so if your attending the ESC stop by the Parallax booth and say hi. I'll be happy to answer any questions you have regarding the upcoming Propeller book.
Sorry to hear the bad news. It doesn't sound like you need any help with this book... but I have some ideas for your next one, and I would be more than interested in helping you in any way I could.
I am a doctor and I have had what I was told was an untreatable metastatic cancer... and I beat it.
If you want to talk off line about the problem. Please feel free.