3 servos with 3 cogs (parallel)

i would develop a quadrobot 3DOF (hardware & software)
for this propose
now i·write some·spin-programs for one leg with 2 button for testing.
the leg are 3 servos and i would that on every servo are working 1 cog.
there, every servo have a different moving-direction and (for the
future) different speeds.
the 2 attachments are:
1) servoLeg1.spin = normal programm with 3 servos and 2 buttons
··· - 1 cog
··· its run verry smooth and fast
2) servoLeg2.spin = my trial with 3 servos·· = cog 1-3
············································ 2 buttons = cog 0
··· its running, but not so smooth and always slower.
have you some improments and tips for me and this program???
thanks for the help
i would develop a quadrobot 3DOF (hardware & software)
for this propose
now i·write some·spin-programs for one leg with 2 button for testing.
the leg are 3 servos and i would that on every servo are working 1 cog.
there, every servo have a different moving-direction and (for the
future) different speeds.
the 2 attachments are:
1) servoLeg1.spin = normal programm with 3 servos and 2 buttons
··· - 1 cog
··· its run verry smooth and fast
2) servoLeg2.spin = my trial with 3 servos·· = cog 1-3
············································ 2 buttons = cog 0
··· its running, but not so smooth and always slower.
have you some improments and tips for me and this program???
thanks for the help
"I reject your reality and subsitute my own!"
Adam Savage, Mythbusters
that's right
BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offense at my writing style
You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again ;-)
Simon is right, "I think the servo32 object (object exchange) will do this without breaking a sweat".
The servo32 object can handle up to 32 servo's in the background (<-set and forget) using only 1 cog.
If you need to make a position update simply assign the new value to the appropriate servo. There is no
overhead maintenance other than when you want to change the servo position.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
I think what nomad is working toward (I'm thinking along similar lines myself for different reasons) is to make a "Leg" object that is somewhat "self aware" of how to move the servos to put itself in a given position, or based on timing, execute a walking gate. I don't think he's just after controlling the servos.
That said, I've got a hexapod (six legs) with 3DOF legs (18 servos) and the Servo32 object works great! I just wish it had raming built in... That's were my "leg" objects will probably come in. I'll have the leg object do the raming, and send the appropriate postion updates to the Servo32 object. (Currently, all the work is being done of the PC side, and leg position commands are send to the Prop, and from there to Servo32.)
John R.
Click here to see my Nomad Build Log
I think what nomad is working toward (I'm thinking along similar lines
myself for different reasons) is to make a "Leg" object that is somewhat
"self aware" of how to move the servos to put itself in a given position,
or based on timing, execute a walking gate. I don't think he's just after
controlling the servos.
you are right, for me it's difficult to descrip my base-idea. (my bad english)
for me is a leg a stateMachine.
for research look rodney brooks at.al (MIT & genghis).
a statemachine (AFN) have some rules (this rules are dynamical setting from sensors &
the directives of a pc-program which running one of more artifical neural-nets.
also. a leg is a masterStateMachine who thinK about his state and communicate with his
leg-cogs· and the other-leg-cogs (the other 3 legs) and then after thinking he said the
another cogs what they are doing for one leg.
it's difficult to programm and to discuss, therefor, every servo is a statemachine
also every servo is 1 cog!!
my question is only: are statements of my spin-program correct i.e.
- cog0 = 2buttons
- cog1 = servo1
- cog2 = servo2
- cog3 = servo3
!!! every servo can have different moving-directions & speeds
and how can i program more smooth & speed???
for any considerations and program-tips i am happy.
thanks for your answer,
i am looking for (my bad english....)
its so, the code is only for testing, when i build the hardware of the legs
(position of the shoulder etc.)
now my newest code.
i find, its look better
cognew() will call only 1 times·for every cog
have somebody a better solution???