Serial LCD to BS2P-24 and Thermocouple
Twisted Pair
Posts: 177
Trying to connect·my·3 Wire Parallax·2x16 Serial Backlit LCD (PN# 27977), to my BS2P-24, which has a Parallax Thermocouple Kit (PN# 28022), connected to Pin 8. I downloaded the Demo code (Thermo-k.BPE) from the Advanced Code folder·on the Parallax web site and the Thermocouple works Fine as I can read the Temperature on my PC using the Stamp Editor.·The problem is that the Demo Code is using a LCD with more Pins out to the LCD than I have with the 27977. Is the 27977 compatible with the BS2P-24 ? If so, can anyone share a code that will allow me to use two Thermcouple's,·One that Displays temperature on line one of the LCD, and the other temperature on line two. I will also need the Backlit. My lack of programming experience and Newbism prompted this question. Thanks for your help.
·· There is example code for the LCD which explains how to write data to it. There are also examples for the Thermocouple. The trick will be merging these programs since you’re new and do not have the experience doing this. Have you read through the “What’s a Microcontroller?” manual? It covers many fundamental basics, although the code examples are all written around the BS2. You will find that the BS2p has different timing parameters for some commands due to it being so much faster. This causes you to have to modify much example code that was written for the BS2 to adjust for these parameter differences.
·· In the example code for the LCD Display there are constants for setting the current line to print on. If these constants are included in your source code it will be a simple matter of putting the constant at the start of your SEROUT data to set it to that line. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Thanks Chris....
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Thanks Again Chris....
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Take a look at the SEROUT command in the PBASIC Manual, or the PBASIC Help file. That will get you started.
The basic format is:
SEROUT PinPort, BaudMode, [noparse][[/noparse]variable1, variable2 ... ]
Bruce Bates
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Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Wouldn’t you know, we had an area power outage yesterday here and I was unable to get the schematic completed. It’s on my priority list today and we’ll get it up on here as soon as I get that done. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Twisted Pair....