Cartographer Robot update!
My robot is going smoothly, for all the hundreds of people supporting me in this problem, I thank you. A new problem has arrived, My robot utilizes the good old CMUcam! as it's primary sensor, to see a black object in front of it, and, by using the tracking software, store the object on a virtual map, which I present to the Synopsis judges. Here is it's picture:

and the top view:

the H bridge from rogue coustomer support! Don't go there!)

and me:

SO, my robot seems to the average person to be pretty sweet, but! I don't know how to interface the camera with the Basic Stamp 2
any ideas?
all help is welcome
Thank you
and the top view:
the H bridge from rogue coustomer support! Don't go there!)
and me:
SO, my robot seems to the average person to be pretty sweet, but! I don't know how to interface the camera with the Basic Stamp 2
any ideas?
all help is welcome
Thank you

It's not clear whether your camera _is_ doing what you describe, or that you are describing what it is _supposed_ to be doing but isn't doing. So, it's not clear what interfacing with the BS2 info you need.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
DON'T ever go to roguerobotics, their coustomer support is terrible!
I used a 6V battery to power the bs2 board, yet theirwas hardly any documentation on the H-bridge
I hooked up VL andVM to VCC!
thank you!
my robot is built and up and running subprograms!
Synopsis is mine!
dadadaddada DUM!
no offense
In your case you posted to "Completed Projects", the phrase "A new problem" in your text is a red flag that it's not complete, and it would be quite easy for someone to not see your·question·in there because of where it's located.
In regards to your question, type CMUcam into and see what other posts exist on the subject, chances are there will be quite a bit of info already·posted on the subject.
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 2/27/2007 8:45:29 AM GMT