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Propeller Demo board Rev F restarts anytime an Audio Plug is inserted into audi — Parallax Forums

Propeller Demo board Rev F restarts anytime an Audio Plug is inserted into audi

soundman333soundman333 Posts: 2
edited 2007-02-19 21:14 in Propeller 1
I have a rev f prop demo board that restarts anytime a 1/8 " TRS plug is inserted into the audio out jack. The same thing happens even when a "fresh" (no connections) plug is inserted. I originally thought that the jack had a "sense" lead and the behavior was normal. I took a look at the schematic which shows only the typical connections (left right and ground), but when examining the board, there are actually 4 pads soldered to the jack. (one maybe just an anchor?) Anyway, is this behavior normal and if so, why ?

If you insert the plug very quickly it occasionally won't restart, also the same results occur when "disconnecting" the plug.

Mark S.


  • rokickirokicki Posts: 1,000
    edited 2007-02-19 19:56
    Sounds like something is shorting when that plug is inserted, killing your power supply. Scope the power supply when you
    do the insertion.
  • soundman333soundman333 Posts: 2
    edited 2007-02-19 21:09
    Oh Yes, that is my point, a TRS Jack (tip,ring,sleeve) does short during insertion but there should be no + - potential at that jack !


    Mark S.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-02-19 21:14
    You're right. There should be no +- potential at the audio output jack. There's not supposed to be any such potential, therefore you may have a defective board or defective headphone amplifier chip. I suggest you contact Parallax's support department when they open tomorrow and arrange for a replacement.
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