BS2 interfacing a amplified paging horn
We have a amplified paging horn mounted out in the shop area which is currently interfaced to our phone system.· I want to use the paging horn to sound an alarm when an event occurs (ie. machine ready/complete)
I do not want to disconnect it from the phone system, but currently deactivate it from the phone system, emit a frequency using FREQOUT and then reconnect it to the phone system.· I tried something simple with a MUX chip 74VHC4051 and an old unamplified PC speaker but it didnt work and I think the MUX chip doesnt work properly anymore (probably too much current from the 8ohm speaker).
The input imped. of the amplified paging horns range from 600ohms to 1000ohms and take external power supplies.· I am assuming with these high input imped. I can directly connect one of the BS2 output pins to the horn and have it work.· Is this correct?·
I am having trouble finding specs on voltage/current levels that the horns operate on the input side.· Any ideas on the MUX interface to share the two systems?· If its easier I am ok with mixing the two signals and have them overlap with an opamp.
· GH
I do not want to disconnect it from the phone system, but currently deactivate it from the phone system, emit a frequency using FREQOUT and then reconnect it to the phone system.· I tried something simple with a MUX chip 74VHC4051 and an old unamplified PC speaker but it didnt work and I think the MUX chip doesnt work properly anymore (probably too much current from the 8ohm speaker).
The input imped. of the amplified paging horns range from 600ohms to 1000ohms and take external power supplies.· I am assuming with these high input imped. I can directly connect one of the BS2 output pins to the horn and have it work.· Is this correct?·
I am having trouble finding specs on voltage/current levels that the horns operate on the input side.· Any ideas on the MUX interface to share the two systems?· If its easier I am ok with mixing the two signals and have them overlap with an opamp.
· GH
- Stephen
· GH
- Stephen
I am still wondering why the inputs are called TIP and RING and if one is considered ground, etc...
My Rather pedestrian question is What does· "label is missing" mean and how come there arent any troubleshooting tips in the manual for the pedestrian stuff? Also the commands in my work book dont match up with the ones in the syntax and reference manual What Gives ?·