sx sim not werkin right??
·I just downloaded and installed the sx ide- it apparently has the sx sim attached in the suite. When I tried it out the first few times it wascoming up when I pushed the sim button, then it wascoming up with no command window, and now both are not coming up at all?? I tried re-installing the sx ide but stillno luck..what is the scoop here? Am I doing somthing wrong?
·Also, am I correct in assuming that I can use the sx ide for assembling asm without having any hardware? I wanted to use the ide and sim to learn assembly without having to buy hardware- I have been using PCSim for learning but it is really old and outdated- plus different arch,just not well suited to learn I have discovered.
·thanks in advancefor advice,jd
·Also, am I correct in assuming that I can use the sx ide for assembling asm without having any hardware? I wanted to use the ide and sim to learn assembly without having to buy hardware- I have been using PCSim for learning but it is really old and outdated- plus different arch,just not well suited to learn I have discovered.
·thanks in advancefor advice,jd
I'm not sure why you are having problems with SX Sim, it has been working fine for me.· However, I do believe the version that installs with the IDE is an older version.· You should download the latest version from the SX Sim topic here in the forum.· To install all you have to do is copy the files into the 'Program Files\Parallax Inc\SX-Key v3.2\Tools\SXSim' folder.
There are also some things which don't work in SXSim, but most of these are related to the Watchdog timer and the Timers in the SX48/SX52.· I would try uninstalling the IDE and re-installing and then copy over the latest SXSim files into the Tools folder and see if that gets it back running for you.
·I think that the IDE sim is actually a newer version than the oneI triedto copy-it was dated later and contained more data than the seperate version of the sim??
·I really don't know what else to try here?? I cannot use the sim seperately dueto errs and cannot bring up the IDE sim so what next?I dunno...suggestions?
·After getting stumped with the results I went through and read the posting above this one started by the author of the sim software. On the 8th page of that thread I found the solution--one must delete the .sim file located in the IDE's dir, so on my machine it was c:\program files\parallax inc\filename.sim .
·If one deletes this file (unsure what it is intended for but...) then everything is back to the way it should be,why? I dunno but it werked so no complain here.
·Again thanksto responders, I should have done more reading in first instance.
sorry for not coming in earlier.
With earlier versions of SXSim, it could happen that some windows were minimized when SXSim was launched after it was terminated before with some windows minimized. The most recent version, available for download in this forum has this fixed. Nevertheless, I wonder how a file named "filename.sim" could be created on your computer which then messed up SXSim. I'll double-check if this is a "feature" in SXSim, and fix it when necessary for the next version.
In general - it is a good idea do delete any *.sim files when SXSim "misbehaves". Deleting *.sim files simply means that the "last simulation settings" of any previously opened *.lst with SXSim file is lost, so you can always manually restore these settings.
Greetings from Germany,