Nokia Knockoff LCD
Paul Sr.
Posts: 435
In a previous posting, Bean stated..... I have been working with the "Nokia knock off LCD" and sparkfun even posted my BS2 code. The BS2 code uses the 8 bit display mode. I have code for the SX that uses the 12-bit mode. One problem with the display is that you cannot read anything back from the display memory. When using 12-bit mode you must send 3 bytes which make up 2 pixels, there is no way to set only one pixel. Also updating the display is rather slow, even for the SX. I too want to write propeller code for that display, but other projects have me tied up for now. Bean.
Hi Bean,
I have been trying to get one of these ( LCD w/ SFE Breakout board ) working with your code on a BS2P with no luck whatsoever. Do you have any tricks or suggestions? I have sent the hardware back to them and they said it all checked out fine.
Anything you could offer would be appreciated.
Post Edited (Paul Sr.) : 2/17/2007 3:01:03 PM GMT
Adjust the value the contrast. If it is not right you will not see anything on the display.
Change the "130" in this section of code at the end of the InitLCD routine.
FOR ctr = 0 TO 130
dat = $D6 : GOSUB SendCommand
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"USA Today has come out with a new survey - apparently, three out of every four people make up 75% of the population." - David Letterman
Thanks, Bean - I'll give it a try.