Hall Effect details in Parallax docs?
Tom F
Posts: 59
Do any of the Parallax texts have wiring and other details on how to use the Hall Effect device?
Darn! I was sure that StampWorks did, but I can't find it if it does. The Melexis Hall Effect device is dirt simple and I have seen wiring diagrams SOMEWHERE. I will continue to look.
I know it is dirt simple because I bought several of them and I would not have done that if they were anything BUT dirt simple.
Perhaps, one of the folks on this board that can easily answer your question will.
You are what you write.
The analog version you'll need to being into an ADC or op-amp compatator.
Ok, I see now you have a fairly complex one with digital data output.· I'd have to look closer.· Do you need one that complex?· Are you usingit for simple counting, or actual flux measurement?
StampPlot - GUI and Plotting, and XBee Wireless Adapters
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Electronic Systems Technologies
Double-duh on me! I did not see the schematic THIS TIME! I have read that article several times and that is doubtless where I saw the schematic, as well. I read it earlier today, looking for the schematic that for some reason I could not see!
You are what you write.