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Defect Protoboard — Parallax Forums

Defect Protoboard

Goran (Sweden)Goran (Sweden) Posts: 68
edited 2007-02-17 18:11 in Propeller 1
Received 5 of the new protoboard.

1 seems to be defect?
Found out by running the blink object and attached a LED to one pin at a time.
On the defect board no light the other 4 gave light.
Measured with an Ohmmeter towards GND on a couple of pins, both + and - ,nearly the same reading as a non defect board.
When loading the blink object it looked OK, the IDE did not give any error, loading the eeprom and verification OK
Power both 3.3V and 5V is OK.
Current same as a non defect board.
Tried swap the crystal.

Result, all pins seems dead.

Any other test I can perform?


  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2007-02-16 22:54
    Make a simple program where all pins are set to output and all pins are high, measure the voltage on each IO pin. Change the program so all pins are low, measure the voltage on each IO pin. Let me know of the result.

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.
  • Goran (Sweden)Goran (Sweden) Posts: 68
    edited 2007-02-16 23:54

    I tested as instructed.

    When all pins was set as outputs and high, only pin 28-29-30-31 read 3.3V the rest 0V

    When all pins was set as outputs and·low, pin 28-29-30-31 read 3.3V and the rest 0V

    Goran (Sweden)
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2007-02-16 23:59
    Would you mind posting the code you used in the test, something isn't adding up with your ability to program the EEPROM and the results you received on the test.

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.
  • Goran (Sweden)Goran (Sweden) Posts: 68
    edited 2007-02-17 00:02

    This is what i used:

    I also verified the test on one of the OK protobords

    Test 1______________________________________________________

    · _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL4X···· 'Set to ext low-speed crystal, 4x PLL
    · _XINFREQ = 5_000_000········ 'Frequency on XIN pin is 5 MHz

    PUB Main

    · dira[noparse][[/noparse]0..31]~~
    · repeat
    ··· outa[noparse][[/noparse]0..31]~

    Test 2______________________________________________________

    · _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL4X···· 'Set to ext low-speed crystal, 4x PLL
    · _XINFREQ = 5_000_000········ 'Frequency on XIN pin is 5 MHz

    PUB Main

    · dira[noparse][[/noparse]0..31]~~
    · repeat
    ··· outa[noparse][[/noparse]0..31]~~

    Regards, Goran
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    edited 2007-02-17 00:07

    It sounds like you are able to download to it, but no program runs.

    Try removing the _CLKMODE and _CLKFREQ constants so the chip will run using the internal 12MHz oscillator, instead of using the crystal.

    If that works, then there is something wrong with the oscillator. Perhaps the crystal is bad or there is some problem with the crystal connection.

    Does it appear that the Propeller chip has any unsoldered pins?



    Chip Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
  • Goran (Sweden)Goran (Sweden) Posts: 68
    edited 2007-02-17 00:09

    When set to low I had the USB Propplug attached. when removed it was only Pin 29-29 that was high.

    Regards Goran
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2007-02-17 00:09
    Try _CLKMODE = RCFAST, remove the _XINFREQ line·and test the top 4 I/O and a few others.

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.
  • Goran (Sweden)Goran (Sweden) Posts: 68
    edited 2007-02-17 00:11

    I have checked the soldering·or shortage of all pins

    I have already tried this:

    PUB Main

    · dira[noparse][[/noparse]0..31]~~
    · repeat
    ··· outa[noparse][[/noparse]0..31]~

    Test 2______________________________________________________

    PUB Main

    · dira[noparse][[/noparse]0..31]~~
    · repeat
    ··· outa[noparse][[/noparse]0..31]~~

    Regards, Goran
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2007-02-17 00:17
    Ok, we'll send you a replacement board. Send me a PM with your contact info and I will get one shipped on Tuesday when we reopen after President's day.

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.
  • Goran (Sweden)Goran (Sweden) Posts: 68
    edited 2007-02-17 00:20
    Paul, Thanks for the support and quick answers.

    I mail you the contact info.

    Regards, Goran
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    edited 2007-02-17 01:20

    Try running this program:

    CON pin = 0

    PUB toggle

    · dira[noparse][[/noparse]pin] := 1

    · repeat

    ····· !outa[noparse][[/noparse]pin]

    You can change pin from 0 to 31.

    I think some pin(s) might be shorted to VSS or VDD and when made outputs, they draw enough current to cause a brownout reset.

    The fact that you can download to the board says that the Propeller chip is alive, and able to control at least P31 and P30.

    If you find a culprit pin, check it for a short. It could be from soldering, or from a hair-line PCB trace that shouldn't be there.


    Chip Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
  • Goran (Sweden)Goran (Sweden) Posts: 68
    edited 2007-02-17 07:15

    Sorry for not answer direct, had to sleep a bit. Be aware of the time in Swedenredface.gif

    I tried setting all the pins to high, one by one as instructed.
    All read low exept 28 and 29 which read high all the time.
    As in earlier respond I also measured all pins with an ohmmeter, no shortage found.
    Also compared with a working card swapping the ohmmeter from + to - and the reading on all pins where nearly equal as the working card.
    Conclusion, could not be anything outside the Propchip causing the problem??? or?

    Regards, Goran
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    edited 2007-02-17 08:13

    It is true that you can download to it, right? Can you do an F7 and get the chip version, also?


    Chip Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
  • Goran (Sweden)Goran (Sweden) Posts: 68
    edited 2007-02-17 11:23

    Yes a can download both with F10 and F11.

    Verifing eeprom works OK.

    Doing F7 it reports "Chip Version 1 found on com 14".

    I can not understand whats wrong with the protobord·, everything when programming seems OK.

    For your Info, I have played with the propeller for a while now.

    I have in my lab·1 demoboard, one propstick, one Propeller Education Kit ,

    4 P8X32A-D40 (40-pin DIP) chip·

    ,2 P8X32A-Q44 (44-pin QFP) chip

    and·2 by me made protoboard one with QFP and one with DIP40.

    All of these have worked whitout problem for 2 months.

    Regards, Goran

    <!-- unit price -->
  • Goran (Sweden)Goran (Sweden) Posts: 68
    edited 2007-02-17 14:01

    Another problem is the broadcast.
    I have tried all tips and tricks in this forum but are not able to get a broadcast signal that works with PAL, which is the only system I can use.
    This is one of the setups I tried:
    tvparams············long··· 0·············· 'status
    ······················· long··· 1·············· 'enable
    ······················· long··· %001_0101······ 'pins
    ······················· long··· %0011·········· 'mode
    ······················· long··· 0·············· 'screen
    ······················· long··· 0·············· 'colors
    ······················· long··· x_tiles········ 'hc
    ······················· long··· y_tiles········ 'vc
    ······················· long··· 10············· 'hx
    ······················· long··· 1·············· 'vx
    ······················· long··· 0·············· 'ho
    ······················· long··· 0·············· 'vo
    ······················· long··· 55_250_000·············· 'broadcast
    ······················· long··· 1·············· 'auralcog

    Regards, Goran
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    edited 2007-02-17 17:47
    Goran (Sweden) said...


    Another problem is the broadcast.
    I have tried all tips and tricks in this forum but are not able to get a broadcast signal that works with PAL, which is the only system I can use.
    This is one of the setups I tried:
    tvparams············long··· 0·············· 'status
    ······················· long··· 1·············· 'enable
    ······················· long··· %001_0101······ 'pins···· CHANGE THIS TO %001_0100 (see tv.spin)
    ······················· long··· %0011·········· 'mode
    ······················· long··· 0·············· 'screen
    ······················· long··· 0·············· 'colors
    ······················· long··· x_tiles········ 'hc
    ······················· long··· y_tiles········ 'vc
    ······················· long··· 10············· 'hx
    ······················· long··· 1·············· 'vx
    ······················· long··· 0·············· 'ho
    ······················· long··· 0·············· 'vo
    ······················· long··· 55_250_000·············· 'broadcast··TRY 40_000_000, 60_000_000, or 80_000_000·HERE
    ······················· long··· 1·············· 'auralcog

    Regards, Goran

    Chip Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
  • Goran (Sweden)Goran (Sweden) Posts: 68
    edited 2007-02-17 18:11

    Now I have broadcast on near CH 4

    Thanks, Goran
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