Vinculum to PDA - Doable?
Anyone know if the Vinculum chip will allow me to do the following?:
I'd like to attach a PChip to a PDA via it's USB sync cable. I'm hoping to be able to create a WinCE / .NET app' on the PDA that displays data passed to it via the PChip.
Just a thought I had whilst driving home from work, so if anyone knows if this is doable (or even sensible!), I'd be glad to hear from you [noparse]:)[/noparse]
BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offense at my writing style
You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again ;-)
I'd like to attach a PChip to a PDA via it's USB sync cable. I'm hoping to be able to create a WinCE / .NET app' on the PDA that displays data passed to it via the PChip.
Just a thought I had whilst driving home from work, so if anyone knows if this is doable (or even sensible!), I'd be glad to hear from you [noparse]:)[/noparse]
BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offense at my writing style
You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again ;-)
Most PDAs appear to be USB slave devices, my HP Jornada certainly is. The Vinculum chips appear to be host devices. So, short answer yes.
I know that my Jornada also has connections for a serial port in the docking connector as well as USB, that may be an easier/cheaper route.
I have also considered the possibilities of hooking up a Prop to a PDA. I don't think it would be difficult, hardware or software wise. As for sensible? Whoever let that stop them?
I stand on the shoulders of giants
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
If your PDA has Bluetooth, you might have an easier time plugging a Bluetooth serial adapter into the Propeller and linking that way.
paulmac: My Jornada's so old (it's a 568 I think) that I've been unable to find a supplier of sync cables for it, which is why I was thinking of using the USB cable I've already got. Maybe it's time to get a Dell Axim!
Thanks again.
BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offense at my writing style
You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again ;-)
If you get an Axim, get the X50 or better, and the attached pinouts should work. I have the X51v, with the 640x480 screen, so I was hoping to modify the propeller OS to display to that instead.
I thaught about doing this myself, and using eTCL for the programming language on the Axim. Since there are some serial examples allready.
I was hoping to somehow get an eTCL console on the serial port. Then I could just send tcl commands to it.
Eventually, I would like to be able to do spin and assembly on the Axim and boot the prop off of it.
I've got a 568 too. There are pinouts for the connector on the 'net and you can get cables (USB and/or serial) off ebay (I just checked).
I stand on the shoulders of giants
hinv, I've not used eTCL -- shall have to google that too. Getting the Axim to download code to the Prop would be real nice. Let me know how you get on [noparse];)[/noparse]
BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offense at my writing style
You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again ;-)