draw per pin
I am driving an optoisolator with a bs2sx pin - it draws 15ma. This optoisolator then drives a relay.
Is the 15ma ok? I understand the limit is 30ma per pin, 60ma total, but is 15ma continuous a good idea or should I use a transistor to drive the optoisolator?
Carlos Ferguson
I am driving an optoisolator with a bs2sx pin - it draws 15ma. This optoisolator then drives a relay.
Is the 15ma ok? I understand the limit is 30ma per pin, 60ma total, but is 15ma continuous a good idea or should I use a transistor to drive the optoisolator?
Carlos Ferguson
Properly designed, you should be able to drive ONE pin at 15 mA. The question then becomes, what else is your chip doing?
A Darlington Array would probably be a good idea.
ps thanks for the fast reply!
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I have included a pdf on a 'Pvdz172' photovoltaic (pvdz172.pdf)- which is an opto Isolated ssr.It uses MOSFET switch stage ,incorporates a reversed biased diode (ideal for inductive loads) can switch up to 60VDC and can drive up to a 1.5Amp load. I have used it many times with basic stamps.
I also drew a quick application sample schematic for you to show connection (jcferguson_sample.pdf). You will see in the schematic I have used a 4.7K pull down resistor (R1) and a series resistor 1.5K to device. The device requires 10mA to switch.