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  • Stan671Stan671 Posts: 103
    edited 2007-02-19 17:54
    That picture you attached of the font example on WinXP ... was that of your existing font file or a brand new one you just downloaded?· If it is a brand new one, then there is little chance that it is corrupted.· But it still displays wrong.· So, I suspect that this is something do to with settings in your computer.· It almost looks like the TrueType rendering mechanism is just not handling the Parallax font correctly.

    Check the settings particular to your video card to see if there is anything specifically pertaining to fonts in there.

    What are the international settings on your computer?· Open the Control Panel and select "Regional and Language Options".· What is your selection for Starnadards and Formats?· In the Advanced tab, whan is your Languauage for non-Unicode programs?· In the list of Code Page conversion tables, do you have 20127 (US-ASCII) checked?

    Check the performance settings for display rendering.· Right click on My Computer and chose Properties.· Click on the Advanced tab.· Click on the Settings button in the Performance section.· Which of the four choice buttons do you have selected?· Are there any items in the list of checkable stuff that are not checked?

    And intersting experiment would be to try to print a Spin program to see if the fonts are rendered properly to the printer even if they are messed up to the screen.

    Stan Dobrowski
  • QuattroRS4QuattroRS4 Posts: 916
    edited 2007-02-19 19:42
    Stan - those pictures look like it is a MAC OS of some description ...


    EDIT - cheers for the heads up lads - Read posts again - missed that ...

    'Necessity is the mother of invention'

    Post Edited (QuattroRS4) : 2/20/2007 4:21:21 AM GMT
  • ForrestForrest Posts: 1,341
    edited 2007-02-19 22:28
    He used his Mac to check the font. FYI Macs have supported TTF (True Type Fonts) since System 7.0 (1991).

    My knowledge of the inner working of Windows XP is rather limited - but if it were my machine, I'd delete the problem font, restart the computer and reinstall the font.
  • mahjonggmahjongg Posts: 141
    edited 2007-02-20 00:09
    I can acknowledge that the parallax font works fine on a Mac (OS 10.3.4) , it installed without any problems. It displays OK on "font book" and I can open text files with the special characters just fine.

  • al-spideral-spider Posts: 42
    edited 2007-02-20 04:42
    yes your aer right the first two pic's are from my mac OS the third is my pc , I also installed the prop tools onto my mac Virtual PC running XPhome it works fine as fore fonts , reading example spin code ,as said before in my first post of my problem but had problem with the come ports tranmitting to the prop it only puts the prop on com3 have not spent much time working on that problem because i do most or all my robotic work on the portable PC . I have deleted and reinstalled this prop tools many times with both versions the one that came with the Program cd,downloaded ver, deleted the front from winXP ,added the TT front as suggested, checked all setting ie. USA,ENG,SINGLE USER WITH PASSWORD. and still no luck . i relly think all of you for your help and suggestion ,i just don't why this is happening but the problem is in my laptop pc i'll just have to solve it somehow.
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2007-02-20 07:40
    You might try it again, but clean the registry of all things related to the prop tool and that font. Restart after doing this. Be careful and if you are not sure, export keys before you delete them!

    Create a new user account and make it a computer administrator account. This should establish a fresh profile and system settings. Log in to that account and verify that all is more or less standard for XP. Disable Active Desktop. Go to your graphics properties and find the advanced tab and the troubleshooting tab. There you will find a graphics accelleration slider. Move it completely to the left for a software only display. Your driver could be giving you fits. (Should this be the case, update it after the fact and try with the slider again, moving it to the right, stage by stage, rebooting between attempts to isolate the issue with more precision.) Set the desktop background to the default solid blue color and turn off any goofy screen saver type tools.

    Using that account, install the prop tool, taking the defaults and see where that leads.

    Consider removing non-essential software, such as toolbars, etc. as well, prior to attempting the install. Also, how many fonts are on that machine? If there are a lot of them, consider removing a nice batch of those you do not use. Perhaps you've run into some bizzare system limit of some kind.

    Another somewhat drastic thing you can try is to uninstall your graphics driver completely. Be sure, you've downloaded a recent copy to reinstall with prior to doing this however. Enter the device manager and remove the graphics driver from the system. You will start up in plain VGA mode. From there reinstall the graphics driver.

    Finally, boot into safe mode and try to display the font. Does this work?
  • al-spideral-spider Posts: 42
    edited 2007-02-22 01:09
    well hello evertone!!

    my problem just will not go away:
    i tryed every thing that was suggested to me and even done the utlmite in pulled out the restore disk and returned my laptop to its factory setting and ...........................WALL-LA!!!! (THE SAME UNREADABLE FONTS!!!) I'm at a lost now ... scool.gifscool.gif


    help please
  • al-spideral-spider Posts: 42
    edited 2007-02-23 15:08
    well i see it hands off for my problem erer But , there was a short lived yeee-ha ,

    after running my restore disks i went and updated my win xp (downloaded winXP service pack 2) prop tools came up fine with readable fonts and i thought i had made it BUT!...

    when i ran and example program my (zenith 5 tft lcd display blinked as if got the code sent to it but nothing on the display and when i reset the demo board i couldn't get the anything . (the pre lloaded demo will not come back up as before , when i couldn't read the fonts the spin code did load i just could not read the foints mow i can read and edit the spin code but i lost mt display . the display still works i put a small cam on it and everything seems toe in order .
    SO please don't tell me that some how my new demo board is fried it just can't be.......NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  • al-spideral-spider Posts: 42
    edited 2007-02-23 16:49
    come on now there must be somene out there that can help me . my nomad is never going tobe upgreaded to this prop unit what shame ......
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275
    edited 2007-02-23 18:49

    There are two things holding us up on solving this problem. First, the person who made the font, and is the only here who is likely to be able to do anything with it, is out until Monday. Second, we cannot reproduce the problem you are having. Until at least Jeff comes back, there is little we can do. I'm sorry.
    al-spider said...
    come on now there must be somene out there that can help me . my nomad is never going tobe upgreaded to this prop unit what shame ......

    Chip Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
  • al-spideral-spider Posts: 42
    edited 2007-02-23 19:17
    hi: chip

    my fonts problem is solved .
    I needed to update my WinXP i did so by downloading (WinXp service pack 2) this fixed the fonts thing in the prop tools editor.

    But there is a new problem 1st . before wiith the fonts prob i could still upload to the prop, i just could not read the code on screen.
    Now i can read everything fine but when i uploaded one on the example spin code i lost my video to my LCD. i'm using a zenith 5" tft LCD and it still works but i think the tv.text spin fried my prop. i can't jet the demo code to run on reset or power up.
    at first the prop would flash it yellow LED int on power up no i get nothing only the power green LED.

    i only tryed running the ex. code
    i'm using a 9v power supply and when i run the code the reb & blue led flashes i think thats an ACK that the f\tranfare took place i think.
    and thats it so far .

    again thanks for any help getting me started off ...
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2007-02-23 19:25
    It's possible you overwrote the EEPROM at some point so that it no longer contains the demo program. If you are connecting it to a TV load Graphics_Demo into your Tool and hit F10, if you are using VGA load VGA_Demo and hit F10 (both are loacated in Examples\Library folder). If that works, then press F11 and this will reload the EEPROM with that portion of demo.

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-02-23 19:28
    It's very hard to "fry a prop". You can't do it by running tv_text.spin. Since you got the development kit, you have the 2.5" LCD display, so connect it to the Demo board. Compile the tv_text_demo.spin program that comes with the Propeller Tool, download it to the Demo board and see what happens. I would also try graphics_demo.spin and graphics_palette.spin (which uses the mouse). keyboard_demo.spin will let you try the keyboard. All of these are installed on your PC when you install the Propeller Tool.
  • al-spideral-spider Posts: 42
    edited 2007-02-23 20:51
    hello: paul & mike
    I sure hope so . but what happen to yellow P:13-P:23 they used to lite on reset and power up now nothing after running the tv. code . i ran this code because the zenith LCD can handle NTSC and that's tv right?. now niothing.
    again this is crazzzzey
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2007-02-23 20:54
    The LEDs light only if the program tells them to light, if you replaced the program with a program that doesn't do so, they wont light.

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-02-23 21:05
    Any time things don't work like you expect them to work, you really have to back off, simplify as much as possible, switch to things that you know work, then move forward. It doesn't help to blame somebody else's stuff. Most of the time it's something you did (not always, but mostly). For example, can you run one of the "blink an LED" programs and have it work? Your Zenith LCD is supposed to handle NTSC. Have you tested it? Hook it up to a DVD player and see if it works. It probably does, but the 2.5" LCD display that comes in the development kit is a known thing (at least to Parallax).
  • al-spideral-spider Posts: 42
    edited 2007-02-23 21:17
    well mike the reason you miss understand me because you never read all of my post i didn't blame anyone only ask if someone could help
    and i did try another video source a small cam as stated in an above post. am not totaly new to this only new to the prop .
    sorry if i'm causeing you guys trouble ? only asking for help I guest i'm on my own with this , sorry i made you maid .
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2007-02-23 21:40
    We're not mad, we are only trying to help you. You are saying you think the Propeller is broken, and we are trying to explain that it is unlikely that is what is happening.

    The demo program which displays to a VGA, TV and blinks the LEDs in a knight rider fashion on startup was loaded into the EEPROM by us (Parallax) and was on there when you received the board. If you ever replace the program by pressing F11, that demo program will disappear and therefore will not display to a VGA TV or the LEDs anymore. It will instead run whatever program you downloaded onto the EEPROM when you pressed F11.

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 2/23/2007 9:45:50 PM GMT
  • CJCJ Posts: 470
    edited 2007-02-23 21:50
    al-spider, are you loading tv_text_demo.spin or tv_text.spin? nothing will show up if you use just tv_text.spin.

    just a possibility

    Who says you have to have knowledge to use it?

    I've killed a fly with my bare mind.
  • al-spideral-spider Posts: 42
    edited 2007-02-24 21:59
    Hello: To All

    Yea, CJ am using the demo codes.

    I've found my second problem for some reason the prop did nto like my USB cable ,i changed the thing out and now everything essm tobe in order.

    Al Spider smilewinkgrin.gif
  • al-spideral-spider Posts: 42
    edited 2007-02-24 22:00
    Hello: To All

    Yea, CJ am using the demo codes.

    I've found my second problem for some reason the prop did nto like my USB cable ,i changed the thing out and now everything essm tobe in order.

    Al Spider smilewinkgrin.gif
  • CJCJ Posts: 470
    edited 2007-02-24 22:26
    good to hear you got it going, now you can enjoy the propeller like the rest of us

    Who says you have to have knowledge to use it?

    I've killed a fly with my bare mind.
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