ADS7822P Object V2.0 - includes asm version for up to 100Ksps

Actually up to about 140Ksps is possible if you use 6 bit conversion [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I've uploaded it into the object exchange, but until its approved there, you can grab it from my site (link below).
Both spin-only and asm versions are supported in the one object, however you can only use one mode at a time.
- Use the spin version if you need modest conversion speeds and save a cog
- Use the asm version if you need speed
V3.0 will add support for an 8:1 multiplexer
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I've uploaded it into the object exchange, but until its approved there, you can grab it from my site (link below).
Both spin-only and asm versions are supported in the one object, however you can only use one mode at a time.
- Use the spin version if you need modest conversion speeds and save a cog
- Use the asm version if you need speed
V3.0 will add support for an 8:1 multiplexer
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Is it I2C?
Thanks for posting
I ordered one of these and have yet to hook it up, but I'm curious.
The manuel states 200Ksps Max. Is the speed your getting due to running it at 3.3V?
It's a simple 3-wire interface; essentially SPI
You are most welcome!
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After I posted the driver last night, I DID play around, going overspec... and I got it sampling at approx. 300ksps! Mind you, I don't know about the accuracy when overdriving it. I may try driving it at 5MHz just for kicks... using seven bit results that would get close to 500ksps, and six bit results would be slightly over 500ksps - assuming I don't fry the 7822!
I'm chainging the sampling, I'll use TEST ..·wc / ADDX to eliminate another instruction [noparse]:)[/noparse]
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