using the extra 32k of eeprom on the Prop Proto boards
Does anyone have example code that allow the usage (Read/Write) to the extra 32K or EEPROM on the Prop Proto board?
I just got some and want to play....··
I just got some and want to play....··

Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Being able to access the EEPROM from a propeller program is real cool, but being able to download extra fonts/bitmaps/sound files easily from a PC based program would be way cool.
My guess is that is kind of what the Prop Tool does but just to be base 32K.
It looks like the Hydra Asset Manager does this
Precisely [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Does anyone have info on the serial protocol that is used to read/write to the eeprom from the PC?
Thanks for the compliment. I'm still working on adding some new features:
As for the protocol, what did you want to know?
Is it just a basic serial communication protocol? Could I just write a simple VB app that will talk with the eeprom through a Prop Plug's USB to Serial adaptor? I'm not trying to over simplify the process, just wondering if it's that simple. I'm not looking to reprogram the Prop, just read/write data to the extra 32K of space to store fonts/images/sounds, then use code on the prop to read/write to that same area @ run time.
Yes, just a basic serial communication protocol.
Why write the VB app? H.A.M. (Hydra Asset Manager) should do everything you need.
Admittedly, I do need to make the eeprom size selectable by the user. Currently, it assumes 128KB. I'll try and work on that this weekend.
Yes I think H.A.M will work perfect. I looked a bit at the Propeller code to interface w/ the eeprom and it looks great. It's almost like a FAT system.
If I wanted to I could add another larger eeprom also and make an adaptor to manage it also with H.A.M? I can see having the ability to manage ALL the space on a chip. Only for added eeproms, not the one that the Prop uses for it's program space.