Heathkit Hero 2000 Artificial Intelligence?
Hi guys,
I saw this intriguing webpage about a Heathkit Hero 2000 Robot: www.robotswanted.com/robotgallery/heathkit/index.html . It said that the HERO 2000 can "write its own BASIC programs". That's learning! Learning is intelligence, as in artificial intelligence!
This is an ancient robot that has been out of production since before I was born. It uses a 8088 microprocessor. I has a robotic arm and moves around on wheels. Plus, it has lots of various sensors.
Anybody ever have any experience with these? Is it just hype or do they really possess A.I.? What if you were to replace the 8088 with a 486 or Pentium, even? Upgrade the memory, too? Hmmm....
It is powered by 2 huge continuous rotation servo motors that is capable of hauling 26 pounds! Even if you do not have a functional hero 2000, the servos would be really neat to experiment with....
O.K. anybody has one of these? What are your experiences with it?
P.S. hero.dsavage.net/
I saw this intriguing webpage about a Heathkit Hero 2000 Robot: www.robotswanted.com/robotgallery/heathkit/index.html . It said that the HERO 2000 can "write its own BASIC programs". That's learning! Learning is intelligence, as in artificial intelligence!
This is an ancient robot that has been out of production since before I was born. It uses a 8088 microprocessor. I has a robotic arm and moves around on wheels. Plus, it has lots of various sensors.
Anybody ever have any experience with these? Is it just hype or do they really possess A.I.? What if you were to replace the 8088 with a 486 or Pentium, even? Upgrade the memory, too? Hmmm....
It is powered by 2 huge continuous rotation servo motors that is capable of hauling 26 pounds! Even if you do not have a functional hero 2000, the servos would be really neat to experiment with....
O.K. anybody has one of these? What are your experiences with it?
P.S. hero.dsavage.net/
Looking at the pictures of the PCBs for the Heathkit .... you could fit all that onto a Micro-ITX or ATX board saving alot of space. Also The AI most likely remembers steps you do and can duplicate them at a later time. You could program a PIC to remember things it senses or does and have it avoids them later on. My 2 cents.
They are great robots, but don't expect to get a hold of one -- quite pricey on E-bay these days -- as they age folks like me snap 'em up for parts.
That said, my general feeling about the Hero is this -- it's OLD but it's old like a great old Cadillac -- everything about it is luxury, well-appointed, carefully engineered... but it's still OLD -- old emissions, old guages, old door locks, etc.
As far as "self-programming" keep in mind that these older processers and 'bot setups use an architecture where there is no distinction between "program" space and "data" space, and there is no EEPROM -- everything is RAM and every memory address in RAM can either be treated as a data register, an instruction register, or both. This makes it a pain to save programs, but the upside is it is highly easy to write "self-modifying" code -- imagine a subroutine that doesn't just manipulate data in variable register, but can actually change the lines of the program itself.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
You have to decide whether theat meets your definition of A.I.
Truly Understand the Fundamentals and the Path will be so much easier...
The luxury of the Hero in some ways is that a pretty sophisticated interpreter is built into the ROM -- the interpreter handles all of the motion control, sensor control, distance measurements, speech, etc., with a few simple instructions. Then the bulk of your programming can be in speedy assembly, and you switch over to the interpreter to issue actual commands to the stepper motors, sensor cards, etc. And all the motion and sensor controls are their own cards, so they are self-managing and automatically return data to pre-specificed memory addresses.
I will say that it was only after building a Boe-bot and going through most of the Parallax tutorials that I was able to revisit my Hero and build some IR detectors into it and program it much more nimbly
One of my first planned SX projects is to use two SXs as "IR helpers" -- one on my Hero, and the other on one of my Stamp-based 'bots. Then I'll have the 'bots communicate using 4-bit IR codes.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
I bet you became very good at soldering if building a hero. I guess they were not a weekend project more like a few weekends project.
I'm dating myself for sure, but Heathkit introduced many, many people to electronics -- they offered a huge variety of kits (my first Heathkit was a dual-trace oscilloscope). And everything was made in the good ol' USA. I think it was a huge loss when Heathkit folded (for all intents and purposes) it's educational and kit programs. It wasn't much different than buying a boe-bot -- you build it, then learn how to use it.
Fortunately, there are still great companies like Parallax who feel a commitment not ony to providing hardware, but the educational materials to put that hardware to use --
Here are some other photos showing all the cards plus the inside of the torso (with all the interconnects). I don't think this one has the arm like mine has, but it gives a good idea. Nowadays a lot of the functions on the circuit boards could be taken care of with a few commands in a Basic Stamp!
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
Back to the original post, none of the motors are like a large R/C servo. They are large DC motors with optical quadrature encoders for a closed loop system.
I suppose I can shed a little more light on the "self programming" aspect of the HERO 2000. In order to use the self programming you need the Remote Console. It can be used to type in BASIC programs, Remotely Control the robot, or teach it new tasks. When you "TEACH" the robot a task it can automatically generate the BASIC statements for the movements you put the robot through. You can specify what line #'s to use and the offset between #'s. With that it speeds up writing many of the movement commands and you can easily go back later and add other commands for conidtional execution, checking sensors, speaking phrases, etc. In all it's a very nice system and one thing that I did recently was teach it how to lightsaber for my son's birthday party (he likes StarWars)
There was going to be an extra AI package (more software) but unfortunately that and a couple other options never came out before Heathkit sold the robot line. It went to Mobile Ed Productions and then a few years ago I picked up the robot line from them and am doing what I can to support these robots and keep them going for a long time to come. One of the latest options is a USB Interface for the HERO 1.
I've been using the BASIC Stamps and SX processors in a few projects and just starting to play with the propeller. I like using these chips on some of my smaller custom robots and they should make good co-processors and may very well find their way onto some new Hero optiions.
If any of you have questions about the HERO's (or need parts, upgrades, or repairs) just let me know and i'll be glad to help!
Best Regards,
Best Regards,
I've always liked the look of the Hero 2000 , Maybe it from being a kid and wanting one so bad... Anyhow, I was thinking of trying to work on a Robot that looks similar. Probably smaller. So I'm looking for Hi-Res Photos.
I will look on your website for photos, but I know I've been there before.
Thanks for your time,
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
However if you format in DOS and use it as a controller or a microcontroller controller. you might be happy with the results. The very old 486 computers you can get for free junk anywhere with the vesa slots are great for 1. prototyping 2. hobbying 3. spare parts - using a radio shack blow torch and a bench vise and plyers and screwdrivers. most good parts come for free that way!
5. It's good to know DOS, Windows XP Pro uses it!
My first Heathkit was a dual trace 20 MHz oscilloscope too!
Drink Milk!
skype me: quispqix
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Post Edited (quispqix) : 3/1/2007 2:46:50 AM GMT