Is BS2P40 supposed to snap into the PDB?
Posts: 114
I keep having a problem where something should work, but it doesn't. So, I pull out my BS2P40 and clean the connection and re-insert and voila, it works. However, maybe the connections are not dirty but loose because another poster here said it was very difficult to pull out the chip, but mine practically fell out. So, my question is this, is the chip supposed to snap in? I am afraid to push hard enough to hear a snapping sound because the owner's manual did not mention it and I'm afraid that the snap may be the sound of it breaking not connecting tightly. So, just push firmly, but no "snap"?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift.
That is why they call it the present.
Don't have VGA?
Now, you can just plug the whole thing into what ever socketed board you want. It's a bit taller than the normal stamp module but it is pretty sturdy.....
Best Regards,
By the way, what's VGA?