Line followers and maybe, dot followers
Well I am working on a line follower with six CNY70 sensors.
Intially, I considered just a high/low indication via an op amp from each sensor.
It is quite tempting to use a Propeller to have all the readings be Analog to Digital.· But since line following has been around for quite a while, I may try for following 1" diameter dots instead.· This would up the required intelligence of the robot.· With regular spacing of the dots, the robot would have to calculate speed and expect to see a dot.· The width of the reading would have to be monitored too.
Anyone interested?
"If you want more fiber, eat the package.· Not enough?· Eat the manual."········
Intially, I considered just a high/low indication via an op amp from each sensor.
It is quite tempting to use a Propeller to have all the readings be Analog to Digital.· But since line following has been around for quite a while, I may try for following 1" diameter dots instead.· This would up the required intelligence of the robot.· With regular spacing of the dots, the robot would have to calculate speed and expect to see a dot.· The width of the reading would have to be monitored too.
Anyone interested?
"If you want more fiber, eat the package.· Not enough?· Eat the manual."········
···················· Tropical regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Oh, and a dot-following robot could tell where it was by counting the dots. The competition could even require that the robot make different turns at certain dot numbers, or a free-form event could be held with a grid of dots.
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How about other bots on the same course that would communicate to each other a "location" that may be more difficult to navigate.
A histogram of how many "retries" in a specific location so successors would learn from a predecessors mistakes. A communicative mapping if you will.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
- Stephen
What I was considering was just going to a stationery store and buying a package of 1" diameter adhesive dots. The placement would be with 1" spacing between them at most. They may actually be too much and 1/2" might be a better approach to get started.
It certain does revive line following as a competative challange. Let me know if anyone has an event venue they would like to get going.
I think the round dot would make the bot have to figure out direction rather than 'follow the indicated direction' of an edge. There may be a valid reason to use a shape other than a dot at an intersection; especially a Y intersection. But in most cases, the beauty of the programing is in the dot itself.
"If you want more fiber, eat the package.· Not enough?· Eat the manual."········
Yeah, having the Bots communicate via IR could really create are very different environment and conceptual challange - group behavior.
The goal could be to work through a maze of dots in the shortest distance as teams of 3 or 4 Bots or to avoid being the last Bot to arrive home. This would allow different bots to select left or right turns to explore Some kind of collision avoidance could be involved as well.
"If you want more fiber, eat the package.· Not enough?· Eat the manual."········